Freefall by Tess Oliver

Tess Oliver’s Freefall is a great example of synergy. When I analyze each of the individual aspects of the story – character, plot, editing – I realize I shouldn’t like this book as much as did. But when put all together, this story with a creepy Sleeping With the Enemy vibe kept me turning pages…

Glitterland by Alexis Hall

Glitterland by Alexis Hall

It would be easy label Alexis Hall’s debut novel Glitterland as literary fiction masquerading as romance. The language he uses – his metaphors are often show stoppingly gorgeous – and his narrator, a bipolar depressive – beg to be read by those who dismiss genre fiction as lowly. The next time someone sniffs derisively at…

Dance with Me by Heidi Cullinan

Cullinan delves into professional disappointment from two totally divergent viewpoints, one from a semi-professional football player and the other an internationally acclaimed ballet dancer. On the surface a man clad like a gladiator in football pads and gear and a man clad in tights and ballet slippers should be so far apart as to be…

New Life by Bonnie Dee

New Life by Bonnie Dee

Sometimes an author takes a risk, and has me hooked. This happened with Bonnie Dee’s new romance New Life, which features a hero with a mental disability. When I discovered that the first pages of the book were actually told from said hero’s point-of-view, my surprise doubled. Would it work? It did: The book proved…

Dex in Blue by Amy Lane

What does it mean to be gay? If you’re an eighteen-year-old guy and your best friend turns you on, are you gay? If you’re straight and have a girlfriend but work for a gay-for-pay porn site having sex with other straight guys, are you gay? Lane tackles these and other weighty questions in the companion…

The Proposal by Mary Balogh

The Proposal by Mary Balogh

Gwendoline, Lady Muir, has been a secondary character in some of Mary Balogh’s most beloved books. Her story has been one hotly anticipated by fans. It can be hard to deliver under that kind of pressure, but Mary Balogh shows herself to be up for such a daunting task. Not only was I delighted with…