Roman by Heather Grothaus

Roman is a medieval tale set partly in the Middle East and partly in Europe. I was really looking forward to reading it, but unfortunately, it ended up being a disappointment. The romance is lacking and the story is both short on historical detail and  full of inconsistencies and impossibilities. It was a book I…

My Demon’s Kiss by Lucy Blue

I like my vampire heroes to embrace their dark side, to accept their vampire nature, however, the hero of My Demon’s Kiss fights against his every step of the way, and for good reason, he viciously kills a friend immediately after becoming a vampire. The romanticized version of vampires is not present here, no sir….

Untamed by Elizabeth Lowell

Untamed by Elizabeth Lowell

Untamed was one of those books I just couldn’t put down. I stretched breaks at work, and prolonged my lunch period as much as I dared because I couldn’t bear to stop reading. Whenever that happens, I know I’ve found a keeper. When it happens after eight years of re-reading a book, I know it’s…

The Truelove Bride by Shana Abe

An ancient legend, passionate emotion, and wonderful detail make The Truelove Bride a memorable tale. The climactic ending slips a bit into the unlikely, but the sheer power of the romance between two magnetic personalities left me sighing with satisfaction as I finished the last page. Lady Avalon d’Farouche is the strong yet wounded result…