Cuff Me by Lauren Layne

Cuff Me by Lauren Layne

Cuff Me is the third story in Lauren Layne’s New York’s Finest series, centered around a family of police officers. There are four brothers and one sister, two of whom (Luc and Anthony) featured in the first two stories in the series (Frisk Me and Steal Me) both of which I quite enjoyed, so I…

Team Player by Julianna Keyes

Team Player by Julianna Keyes

I had some trepidation picking up this latest book from Julianna Keyes. Not because I don’t enjoy the author’s work – I do.  Not because it’s about baseball, which is boring.  Friends.  It is.  And not because anything about it sounded bad or not good or uninteresting.  I was nervous because I hated Ms. Keyes…

Brooklynaire by Sarina Bowen,

Brooklynaire by Sarina Bowen,

The blurb for Brooklynaire says ‘standalone’, and it is – technically. There’s nothing in this book that you won’t understand if you’ve not read any of Ms. Bowen’s Brooklyn Bruisers series about this ragtag hockey team from Brooklyn. However, the central relationship has been building throughout the previous books and I know my love for…

The British Knight by Louise Bay

The British Knight by Louise Bay

There’s absolutely nothing not to love about Louise Bay’s The British Knight. It’s wickedly sexy, heartwarming and highly entertaining with charming characters and an interesting peek into the British legal system, and I couldn’t put it down. American Violet King lives in the moment and isn’t a fan of long term commitments – and she’s…