Downed by Jen Frederick

I should have loved Downed.  Everything about it appeals:  I like the author, love sports romances and I enjoyed the first two books in the Gridiron series.  But unfortunately, Ms. Frederick fumbled the ball this time out.  Her heroine, Bryant Johnson, is such an exaggerated version of the stereotypically sweet, “southern” (come on!) sorority girl,…

Looking Inside by Beth Kery

So I was reading Looking Inside more or less swimmingly until I came across this: “Her long, slightly bent legs slid along his suede bedspread.” Suede? Suede?? As a BEDSPREAD??? That was it. I totally lost it. It goes without saying that I’d suspend reality for a story about a voyeuristic inner-sex-kitten librarian who works at museum and…

A Portrait of Emily Price

A Portrait of Emily Price

After reading The Bronte Plot on a whim, I was impressed by the fantastic character arcs created by the author and I enjoyed the historical literary references sprinkled throughout the text. When Reay’s latest novel, A Portrait of Emily Price showed up on my radar, I couldn’t resist giving it a try. I’m glad I…

Keepsake by Sarina Bowen

I wanted to love this book. I’ve liked the other two books in the series despite my normal “eh” response to most New Adult. I’ve liked the hero, Zach, in the other books and love the “virgin hero” trope. But, it was not to be. For starters, the premise of this book didn’t work for…

Semi Scripted by Amanda Heger

Marisol Gutierrez travels to the U.S. to pitch their nonprofit at a grant conference. The competition is stiff, Marisol is not usually the organization’s spokesperson, and she is especially nervous to do it all in her second language of English, but has stepped in at the last minute and is determined to do well. The…

The Boy is Back by Meg Cabot

The Boy is Back by Meg Cabot

Meg Cabot always makes me laugh. What distinguishes her best books from her less successful efforts is the depth of characterization behind the humor. Unfortunately, The Boy Is Back ranks among her less successful and shallower efforts. This is a story told entirely through text sources (text messages, emails, newspaper clippings, etc) which always has…

Sex Machine by Marie Force

Sex Machine by Marie Force

“I want you to fuck me,” opens Marie Force’s Sex Machine, a phrase spoken by heroine Honey Carmichael to hero Blake Dempsey which sets the reader to smirking and the hero to stuttering.  Things really don’t let up from there as the novella progresses though Blake and Honey’s relationship, which begins as a sexual bargain…

A Change of Heart by Sonali Dev

A Change of Heart by Sonali Dev

A Change of Heart is my second Sonali Dev novel;  I enjoyed The Bollywood Bride, and had high hopes for this one.  Unfortunately, the misleading categorization (women’s fiction) and my assumption that like its predecessor (which is linked to this story), it was a romance, left me confused about what was happening at the start…