Angels Fall by Nora Roberts

Angels Fall by Nora Roberts

Angels Fall is a book to get lost in – which is exactly what I did over a long holiday weekend. Featuring fascinating characters caught up in events they can’t control and set in a remote town in the majestic Wyoming mountains, this big, meaty story represents born storyteller Nora Roberts at her incredible, storytelling…

Delicious by Susan Mallery

Delicious by Susan Mallery

Seattle and fine restaurants seem to go hand in hand in my mind and make a rather delightful setting for romance. But a romantic dinner for two is hardly the scenario in Delicious since its focus is on the fast-paced business behind the ambiance and excellent dinner fare. And there is an additional element of…

Table for Two by Dara Girad

Table for Two is Dara Girad’s debut novel and a promising start for a new author. The book’s heroine is a plus-sized woman with lots of emotional baggage of which she remains unaware while the hero is a chef obsessed with food. Cassie Graham is a self-help guru who helps people deal with their social…

Surrender by Brenda Jackson

Surrender had a very pleasant hero and heroine. If it had stuck with their story, I would have enjoyed it very much, but too many secondary characters and a couple of really silly scenes made it a bit of a chore to get through. Netherland Brooms owns a successful restaurant and has many friends. She…