Reunion by Kathryn Fox

Reunion by Kathryn Fox is an unusual and powerful historical romance. Unfortunately, the question on the cover – Would their future be filled with love..or heartbreak? – isn’t really satisfactorily answered. The question that still bothered me at the end of this book was, “Is love going to be enough to save this marriage?” Adam…

The Second Vow by Kathryn Fox

Irishman Braden Flynn, a constable in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, is in love with his best friend’s wife (Colin and Maggie from The First Time). Too honorable to say or do anything, Braden asks for a transfer to Fort Walsh on the U.S./Canadian border. There, he encounters Sitting Bull’s Sioux, on the run north…

The First Time by Kathryn Fox

This was the first romance starring a Mountie that I’ve read, and I liked it enough to wish there was much more of it. The historical setting is well-depicted, and the characterizations range from good to exceptionally fine. A fairly standard gentleman-meets-wild-child setup is enlivened by unusual details and a fresh outlook. The story is…