Dangerous Ground by Rachel Grant

Dangerous Ground by Rachel Grant

Given the number of disappointing romantic suspense reads I’ve experienced lately, it’s no understatement to say that I’ve been very eagerly awaiting the next book from Rachel Grant, someone I know I can rely on to deliver a fast-paced and tightly-plotted story of mystery and suspense alongside a well-developed steamy romance.  Dangerous Ground is a…

Arctic Heat by Annabeth Albert

Arctic Heat by Annabeth Albert

Arctic Heat is the third and final book in Annabeth Albert’s Frozen Hearts trilogy of romances set in and around the spectacular landscapes of Alaska, and in it, we meet winter state park volunteer, Owen Han, an energetic, outgoing guy who has recently survived testicular cancer, and the reserved and closeted ranger, Quilleran Ramsey, who…

Arctic Wild by Annabeth Albert

Arctic Wild by Annabeth Albert

Arctic Wild, book two in Annabeth Albert’s Frozen Hearts series, is a gently moving, slow-burn romance between two very different men who find themselves re-evaluating their lives following an almost fatal accident.  There are places where perhaps the pacing could have been a little faster and the focus a little sharper, but I really liked…

Arctic Sun by Annabeth Albert

Arctic Sun by Annabeth Albert

Sometimes, if I’m familiar with an author, I can overlook flaws in a story – especially if/when the author is trying something new; I’ll round up and qualify the recommendation to AAR readers with the reasons why.  But that familiarity can be a problem when I can’t quite decide if the problems I have with…