Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

Calling Outlander a time travel romance is like calling a Dove Bar ice cream on a stick. Mere labels can’t possibly prepare you for the totally engrossing and sensual experience of either one. If you are ready for 850 pages packed with action, sex, life and death, then take the plunge. But then be prepared…

Deal Maker by Lily Morton

Deal Maker by Lily Morton

You know that marvelous feeling you get when you connect with a novel on every level; the characters, the setting, the dialogue..? Well, that’s how I feel about Deal Maker.  I enjoyed Ms. Morton’s previous books, but OMG, I loved this one.  Deal Maker is a charming, funny, romantic and just plain lovely story featuring…

Completely by Ruthie Knox

Completely by Ruthie Knox

Completely is the third installment in Ruthie Knox’s New York series, but can be read as a standalone. It tells the story of Rosemary and Kal, two folks from very different worlds and in very different places in their own lives, who find themselves slowly and inexplicably weaving a life together. Though a slow read,…