Drums of Autumn by Diana Gabaldon

If there’s a novelist whose hand with plot, character, dialogue, prose, sensuality, historical detail, humor, and emotion is very near perfect, I’d say without a qualm that it’s Diana Gabaldon. Several books after the incomparable Outlander – the one that started it all – she can still produce a 1,000-page tome without losing the sheer…

Soul to Soul by Donna Hill

After a hellish marriage that ended three years earlier, Leone Weathers has come into her own as the owner of Soul to Soul, a successful jazz nightclub. Her teenage daughter, Raven, has weathered the divorce and is doing well despite her absentee father. Cole Fleming, Leone’s bandleader and club manager, has filled those shoes admirably…

Infinity by Maggie Shayne

Fantasy and science fiction authors are familiar with a concept called “world building,” which is the process of creating a coherent “universe” for your characters. The rules may not necessarily be those of our world – time travel can work, or humans may have faster-than-light warpdrive technology – but they do have to be coherent…

Lost Warriors by Rachel Lee

After I read Once in Paris by Diana Palmer, a book that treated an older man/younger woman romance in a way I found extremely distasteful, I picked up Rachel Lee’s Lost Warriors. This book is an excellent study of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in a Vietnam veteran. Lost Warriors also treats the love between a…