Tudor Christmas Tidings anthology

Tudor Christmas Tidings anthology

Normally, I find a wide range of quality in an anthology. Tudor Christmas Tidings, however,  is consistent from start to finish. That’s great for the strengths – every novella in this anthology has a wonderful sense of setting, with well-integrated historical figures. However, the main weakness of inadequately-developed romances is present in every story as…

Maid of Honor by Paula Marshall

Maid of Honor by Paula Marshall

Paula Marshall’s Harlequin Historicals backlist has become my new go-to for historicals with unusual settings. In Maid of Honor, it’s 1558, Queen Elizabeth is on the verge of coronation and Penelope Jermaine and Oliver Woodville are fresh arrivals at court, as maid of honor to the Queen and gentleman to Lord Robert Dudley, respectively. To…

The Last Tudor by Philippa Gregory

The Last Tudor by Philippa Gregory

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