
On vacation in Southern Bavaria, part 1

12Sta116My husband and I spent this year’s summer vacation in the south of Bavaria, on the shores of the Starnberger See. It came as a bit of a surprise, as we had other holiday plans at first, but wasn’t it a marvellous place! I fell in love with the area immediately, and am now plotting how to acquire a retirement home there in the future … Just kidding. The housing prices there are about the highest in the whole of Germany.

The lake is about half an hour’s drive or train journey south-west of Munich, and to the south you can see the majestic silhouette of the Alps. The shores are mostly woody, and so in spite of the area being well-populated and many tourists visiting, you get an impression of unspoilt nature and grandeur. You can swim in the lake, go on hiking or cycling tours around the lakes, visit museums (many artists of the late 19th and early 20th century were attracted by the area), gaze at picturesque royal castles and fantastic villas, laze on the beach or in one of the lovely old public parks, or take a boat across the lake and dine in style right at it’s edge. You can see that I have fallen in love!

Here are some more pictures to show you how utterly beautiful the Starnberger See is:



If you ever get to travel to Munich, you should consider keeping one day for a visit to the Starnberger See. It’s not far, and you get a wonderful first impression of the beauties of the Bavarian landscape and some solace for your soul. It’s definitely worth it!

-Rike Horstmann


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09/06/2012 10:49 am

JulieR, I visited Herrenchiemsee last year (there was a big exhibition about King Ludwig there), and enjoyed it hugely. The Starnberger See is where he died, and there is another place there connected to him which I am planning to write about next week.

09/04/2012 9:10 pm

Really love Munich and next time I’ll visit, I will definitely visit Starnberger See.

09/04/2012 3:39 pm

I absolutely loved the time we spent in Bavaria. Of particular interest was visiting several of Ludwig’s castles. Seeing them on successive days, you really get a feel for how his stylistic choices changed over time.

My favorite was Schloß Herrenchiemsee, situated on an island in the middle of a lake that looks somewhat like the lake in your pictures, Rike.

09/04/2012 11:55 am

When we lived in Berlin we used to go every May down to Bavaria. Before the Wall came down we had to go 140 miles out of our way west,along the Corridor before we could head south.
I used to look out for the Alps far too early but when you saw them, even from a distance, they were magical. You have reminded me, Rike of those great holidays. Tonight I am going to get my photo albums out to look at all the lovely views.

maggie b.
maggie b.
09/04/2012 9:12 am

Absolutely lovely! I would love to be able to visit sometime.

09/04/2012 7:33 am

It looks very beautiful and restful. Maybe one day I will get to see Germany.
Thanks for sharing your pictures.