
No Time Travel for Me Please

Along with a lot of people, I’ve been sucked into the marvelous Starz adaptation of Outlander. The cast is terrific, the production values are top-notch, and I’m really enjoying the scripts. But Outlander clearly illustrates something that, as a historian, I realized a long time ago: a lot of us modern ladies would be an absolutely catastrophically bad heroines for a time-travel romance.

Let’s leave off the modern conveniences (like birth control, running water, and legal equality in marriage) that just about any woman would miss in the past. Why are some of us at AAR much better off in the present?


Caroline: I’ve never seen a time-travel heroine with lousy vision. People get motion sick just trying on my glasses, which I rarely wear because they’re not good at correcting my astigmatism. If I were sucked back in time at a random moment, I’d most likely be wearing my contacts – my disposable contacts, which have to come out that night and soak in a saline solution I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to find in any time prior to the 1950s. Sure, Jamie Fraser is good looking, but after the first ten hours I spent in the past, I wouldn’t be able to see him. He’d be wasted on me.

Blythe: My malady is basically the same as yours. I am blind as a bat, with eyes that are two different levels of correction. Vastly different. So if I am sucked back I’ll just hope it’s before I get home from yoga, because then I’ll still have my glasses on instead of contacts.

Lee: I have asthma and use two inhalers so would be having a hard time breathing after a while if I didn’t have them with me while time traveling. The inhalers would eventually run out. I do wear orthotics in my shoes but I suppose I could fashion something similar out of some type of material, but of course who knows what kind of footwear I would be wearing once my shoes lost their soles through constant wear?

Haley: I was going to say contacts as well. Other than a total lack of general survival skills, mine would probably be that I have a skin allergy, so I have allergic reactions to random soaps, metals, lotions, etc. Any handmade soap I’ve ever used gives me issues so I can only imagine that in the world of lye soap (and generally poor hygiene) I’d be a walking rash.

Dabney: Bedding. I realize that sounds paltry but it’s so key to me that when I try and imagine sleeping on mattresses stuffed with hay, I cringe. I’m a lousy sleeper and I am thus deeply wedded to my super comfy bed, soft cotton sheets and forgiving pillows–I use three. I couldn’t cut it in a time where sheets didn’t smell nice, beds didn’t squeak, and blankets didn’t scratch.

Maggie: I am the same as Lee – I have asthma and would need inhalers. I also have allergies so just about everything would make me sick. I’m also not used to censoring my speech – I don’t think I would come close to surviving in an environment where that was necessary. I’m Hispanic so in most places in the world I would face racism. The only way I could time travel comfortably would be to do it like in Judith O’Brien’s “Ashton’s Bride” where the heroine’s consciousness inhabited the body of girl who would otherwise have died. She went from being tall and gangling to small and curvy. Works for me.

Cindy: Mine is odd – I can smell the faintest trace of anything. Years ago while living at home I kept telling my family that I could smell gasoline but no one else could smell it so they shrugged it off. Finally my dad discovered a jerry can of gasoline in the garage that had a slow leak and gas had been making its way slowly down the wall. When visiting my parents’ house I noticed a smell by their fireplace that others noticed but didn’t affect them like me. I would sit and hunt for the smell and decided it was a plant they had. For years I noticed the smell but stopped saying anything because they would get annoyed as the smell, to them, had dissipated. They were sheepish and surprised when they finally had their chimney cleaned and discovered a petrified squirrel carcass in it. This might not seem like a handicap but I can’t deal with human/animal secretions as the smell makes me gag so just getting meat/hunting/fishing would be a nightmare – but I hope I would grow used to it with exposure. And as I get older I’m able to deal with more I think through exposure.

Jenna: Holy cow, Cindy, you’d never survive all of the horrible stenches I imagine must have existed with no running water, flush toilets, poor sewage, unwashed bodies… whenever I read an historical or watch a period movie, I can’t stop fixating on how dirty and smelly everything must have been.

I don’t suffer from anything life-threatening if it weren’t treated (like asthma), but I imagine I’d be a fall-down mess around that time of the month without Advil for cramps. And as I’ve gotten older, I’ve started experiencing what I think may be migraines, where my head hurts so bad I feel sick and the light hurts my eyes, so I’d be in pretty bad shape without any kind of pain meds to help with that. I also confess that the idea of low oral hygiene would send me screaming back to modern times – I don’t need Hollywood shiny, white, straight teeth, but the idea of the rotting messes that I’m sure were common means there would be absolutely zero romance in my life should I be sent back in time.

LinnieGayl: Count me as another AAR staffer with asthma and allergies. If I don’t use several medicines on a daily basis I have major problems breathing, and will also be sneezing nonstop. My eyesight is also miserable, and without my glasses or contacts I’d just see fuzzy images. And then there’s the two-time cancer survivor thing. While it’s not something I think about on a daily basis, the fear of not being able to have my regular check-ups tests would be hard to handle.

Melanie: I’m an absolute mess and wouldn’t survive traveling back in time (or the zombie apocalypse). I’ve got terrible vision (though hopefully my glasses would last for a while), but the real kicker would be the daily meds. I’ve got bad allergies, including food allergies which would be tricky to work around, asthma issues, thyroid issues, severe migraines, and joint issues (because it’s fun to fall apart in your 30s. Really.)

Lynn: I love historicals and have spent lots of time romanticizing what it would be like to live in Tudor England, Renaissance Italy, or colonial America. But then reality hits and I remember that I probably would have been doomed from the very beginning. You know those tiny preemie onesies you see in stores? Those were loose on me when I was born. It’s only very recently that preemies started to reliably survive and thrive, so being born in the age of modern medicine was probably a good thing for me.

Caz: I’m another of those with terrible eyesight (short sighted but the long-sight kicked in in my late 40s, so now I’m consigned to varifocals!) I was diagnosed with asthma seven years ago – never knew I had it until it landed me in hospital – and while it’s controlled, and I rarely have problems, I still have to take the meds every day. Allergies – I’m allergic to dust and animal fur, so no lovely fur coverlets for me. I have to be careful with makeup and face lotions etc because my skin is sensitive, so in addition to sneezing my head off, I’d be covered in spots or a rash from whatever variety of ye-olde-soap was available! I have a dodgy back, so like Dabney, I would really miss a nice comfy bed. On top of all the other issues people have mentioned, like good hygiene and diet, I probably wouldn’t have survived the birth of my first child, let alone have gone on to have a second. So while I sigh over the fancy frocks and the chaps in their tight pantaloons and boots… I’m more or less content to leave them in books or on the screen while I sit on the comfy sofa with my kids!

Heather: You can certainly add me to the list of doomed individuals. My eyesight is atrocious. It’s able to be corrected to a certain point fortunately, so my glasses would probably be a necessity. And I do take life-sustaining medication, so time traveling would be seriously problematic for me. I had surgery five years ago to remove three tumors from my pituitary gland, the pea-sized gland that is at the base of your brain which controls your entire endocrine system. The tumors and the surgery itself damaged my gland to the point that I have to replace nearly every hormone it produces, leaving me with secondary Addison’s Disease. With Addison’s your body doesn’t produce enough of its own steroid hormones, those substances that control your fight or flight reaction. A stressful event or physical trauma (even something as minor as a cold) can quickly send your body into shock and be fatal. As long as I have my meds/injectables, I’m fine. Without them, I wouldn’t last long – like a matter of hours.

Mary: This might not be a calamity for many, but placing me back anytime before the printing press was invented would be sheer torture for me. I cannot imagine life without TONS of books to read. Books are not a convenience…they are a necessity!!

Shannon: My eyesight cannot be corrected, for there is none to correct. :) I think a blind person would be a terrible time travel heroine. I rely very heavily on all kinds of technology. Plus, I have a guide dog. Would the dog travel back in time too? Hmmmm. I can see a fair amount of badness in such a story. (Side note: All AAR staffers agree we would love to read “The Blind Romance Reviewer’s Time Traveling Guide Dog.”)

What about you? Are you a hale, hearty Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser ready to take on another century? Or are you, like us, just as happy to stay where you are? Why?


AAR Caroline


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11/27/2014 8:25 pm

Not only do I have terrible eyesight, but without modern medicine both my son and I would be dead.

Lady Wesley
Lady Wesley
11/10/2014 6:41 pm

No chronic diseases here, but I’m a vegetarian and would probably starve to death in short order.

11/10/2014 3:43 pm

I’m with Maggie. All the modern conveniences/necessities aside, the historical settings that I enjoy just won’t work with an Asian chick in the middle of it. Sigh.

11/10/2014 2:51 pm

Two words – indoor plumbing!

Sara Ambrosini
Sara Ambrosini
11/10/2014 1:19 pm

The image displayed on here is called “”Time Travel”” and it’s my copyrighted creation and exclusive property,it is forbidden to use it without my express written permission
I ask you to remove it asap or pay for the licence of use


Sara Ambrosini (saretta)

Dabney Grinnan
Dabney Grinnan
Reply to  Sara Ambrosini
11/10/2014 8:52 pm

So sorry. I have taken it down. I thought it was in the public domain. I apologize.

11/08/2014 9:02 pm

I also love to daydream of the fantasy of time travel. But no, a life without deodorant or tampons is not for me. And the mere thought of “”minding my mouth”” and living life wrapped in 6 yards of cotton sounds like enough hardship to give even someone as wonderful as Jamie a second thought. After all, as a “”modern”” woman, I could divorce Frank, hop in my car, and drive off to buy the vase of my choice.

Reply to  Jillian
11/09/2014 9:30 am

Wow, we sound like a great match. You could have the deodorant, tampons, and the vase, and I could have Jamie. Excellent! You get the stuff, I get the guy. :D

11/08/2014 4:00 pm

I would for Julia Templeton’s Story Kieran the Black:)

11/07/2014 7:25 pm

I honestly think sometimes I would love the absence of cell phones, Kindle e-readers, social media, Internet, and cable TV. I grew up without all of this and loved my childhood and subsequently feel quite sorry at times for young people growing up today. The explosion of childhood obesity has now left today’s new generation with a lower life expectancy than that of their parents! I remember when my sister and I had a blast playing with toys we constructed for ourselves. And my mother always insisted that we play outside after school. Not everything modern is “”improved”” though it may be new!

11/07/2014 6:23 pm

While I admit above that I probably wouldn’t survive due to medical reasons, I do believe I could adapt to living in the old ways. I grew up in the country, still live in the country. Grew our food, canned it, lived simply. When I was a child, I would spend summers with my grandmother, who had no running water, heating with a coal stove and had an outdoor toilet. Living conditions I could deal with, medical conditions, sadly I couldn’t. However, I do believe and always have, that many of our “”ills”” are caused from our lifestyles, our food (additives, preservatives etc) and lack of physical conditioning to keep our bodies strong. So, I do get where many posters are coming from, but if I am honest with myself, I love the idea, but don’t think it is for me.

11/07/2014 5:00 pm

PS: I’ve just had a thought – no time travel for me. I can’t manage without my dentist.

11/07/2014 4:59 pm

It’s my opinion that comparing 2014 with a 1940s time traveler may be fun, but it’s probably a weak proposition to start with. Most of the families I met in Scotland even in the 1960s didn’t have central heating, never mind whatever it was like with all of the shortages of basics during and after WWII. Remember Claire not even having owned a vase? And remember she makes a choice of Jamie–her life with another human being–over modern conveniences. And, she does it twice.

I’m with RosieH. I too find it comforting to know I can live without all the things we’re told/sold that we absolutely must have these days. I’m also of the opinion that simpler is easier, and that stuff owns you and not the other way around. To own more conveniences, one has to sacrifice more of one’s time working to earn them, in fact, your time is your very life after all. How convenient is that?

As for allergies, etc., and all kinds of maladies we have treatments for now–some of which are terrific granted–still, how do we know that some of those very ills aren’t caused my an over-populated planet that is using all kinds of chemicals, fertilizers, additives and so on, along with air pollution, the hole in the ozone, clean water shortages and who knows what other “”modern”” advancements we’ve made, huh? How many medicines have been recalled? How often have our foods been tainted? Chickens are raised in industrial farming sheds never scratching the ground for greens and made to produce more eggs in a shortened lifespan. What about the concerns about antibiotics used on cattle. Even spinach has been recalled! And we continue to engineer new foods. Who is omniscient enough to know that these are truly advances.

Yes, I admit that I am again on my soapbox about the arrogance of each generation in history thinking it is the best ever. Ever. Sigh… For what it’s worth, some anthropologists think that Native Americans likely led better lives, working an average of 20 hours a week for survival and sustenance needs, which left more time for family and, well . . . living.

Reply to  Eliza
11/08/2014 11:20 am

Another thought. I remember learning on my first European trip (a long time ago) how many there saw Americans as (1) very materialistic oriented, and (2) likely to take a pill for just about anything. Since then, in my lifetime, I’ve seen both national literacy and overall health decline so that the U.S. is fairly far down the lists for developed countries.

And I forgot to answer the original question of whether I would go back in time. If it would be to have what Jamie and Claire had between the two of them, you bet I would. Nothing of a material or cosmetic nature could top that relationship for me.

11/07/2014 4:11 pm

Now nearly at the end of a long life, I grew up on a farm with no electricity, no plumbing, and water pumped from a dam. And I managed just fine. My husband came from a similar background and I’ve always known we could manage very well without all the conveniences of modern life (although I do appreciate them). It’s quite a comforting feeling.

11/07/2014 1:37 pm

It’s a fun thing to dream of, but I too, wouldn’t survive very well. I wear both glasses and/or contacts. Can’t see anything far off, or close either, (bifocals). Have very, very poor vision. I also take blood pressure pills three times a day (2 different ones) so I would probably stroke out and I have restless leg syndrome. I’d probably never sleep without my RLS pills.

I’m not much of a meat eater, and having to survive on some of the foods they did (deer, squirrels, rabbit, etc.not to mention really weird meats) would not be something I would like. AND silly as it is, I would die without my diet coke. LOL. I like to think my “”survival”” skills are good, but truthfully, probably not so much.

And if I were tranported before my sons were born, both they & I, would have died. Had emergency C-sections with both of them.

So, I’m not a very good candidate either.

Sarah Duehr
Sarah Duehr
11/07/2014 11:45 am

I am also on several medications, which while I might be able to struggle though without, If I ever stopped taking I’d have to wean off them. If I miss my meds one day I get a terrible migraine, along with other side-effects. Once when I had to wait 3 days for a refill of one medication, my skin became over-sensitive to the point where I couldn’t sleep.

Not to mention that my area of expertise is computer programming — which would be useless before the 1960’s. No, I think I’d rather read about the past, not experience it first hand.

Sarah Duehr
Sarah Duehr
Reply to  Sarah Duehr
11/07/2014 11:46 am

I’d much rather travel in time AND space with the Doctor!

11/07/2014 10:12 am

What a fun topic! I also have Celiac Disease so would not be healthy for long. In addition, at five foot ten inches and female I’d look like an amazon. (Have you seen the size of some of those costumes in the museums? I couldn’t get one side of my body into them!)

11/07/2014 9:48 am

What a great topic. I take blood thinners to prevent blood clots, so I wouldn’t last long. Plus I have Celiac disease. I can’t even imagine dealing with that in the past. Unless I was transported to Asia (though I’d stick out like a sore thumb).

On a semi-related note, I belonged to a SF listserv years ago and we wondered what would happen if a (not-so benevolent) alien scooped us (the members of “”the List””) up and deposited us all on an uninhabited but reasonably human-friendly planet. We pretty much all agreed that we’d die off pretty quickly.

11/07/2014 9:46 am

My eyesight is pretty bad and I’d miss my glasses, but I gave up contacts some years ago so I wouldn’t have that particular problem.
I’d lose my teeth! I have a strict oral hygiene regimen to keep gingivitis under control. Not a prospect I’d welcome.
I’m all for comfy beds, pillows and custom orthotics too.