My Laminated Freebie List: TV Series Edition
This summer, I’ve been working my way through the first three season of STARZ’s Outlander series. I’m absolutely loving it – I’m trying to ration it rather than full-on binge – and find myself thinking that if I knew that Jamie Fraser were waiting for me on the other side, I’d jump through those stones in a heartbeat no matter how bad the plumbing was in the mid-1700s. He has to be, hands-down, one of my top five TV heroes of all times.
Which got me to making mental lists of the other heroes I’d put on my laminated freebie list. If you’ve never done this, it’s a lot of fun because, fantasy! And since it’s still technically summer so a good time to indulge in light and fluffy activities, I figured a post might be in order.
So in no particular order (as in, I adore all of these guys pretty much equally), here are my tops (at present since there are lots of shows out there to watch yet).
WARNING: THERE ARE STORY SPOILERS FOR THE SHOWS MENTIONED. If you haven’t watched these programs and wish to remain unspoiled, please leave now.
James Alexander Malcom MacKenzie Fraser (Outlander): As played by Sam Heughan, I have to agree with showrunner Ronald D. Moore that Jamie Fraser is the King of Men. Loyal and true, witty, strong, confident and straight-up hot, Jamie personifies all of the characteristics I love in men jacked to a level of 10. But Jamie also has real flaws, specifically his preference for illegal activities that put him in a constant state of danger. What I find most appealing about him, though, is his complete openness when it comes to his love for Claire. He’s not afraid to be vulnerable and doesn’t even attempt to hide the level of his devotion to her. His grief and despair after losing her hung like a storm cloud over his head for the first episodes of Season 3 which represented literally
decades of his life, and I just wanted to wrap him in a giant hug to make it all go away.
Jon “Not Actually a Bastard” Snow (Game of Thrones): I’m one of those folks who was so happy to see Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen get together at long last that I don’t give two hoots that they are related. Incest schmincest. Truly, though, I adore Jon’s continued state of near-innocence, his constant belief that the people of Westeros are worth saving even to the point of sacrificing his own life, despite the outright evil he’s directly experienced time and time again. Like Jamie Fraser, Jon is loyal and noble, strong and straight-up hot (thank you GoT casting for finding lovely Kit Harington). But where Jamie strides through the world certain in his purpose, Jon struggles to figure out where he fits in. He’s a demonstrated leader, but one who questions his own qualifications. He’s got pride, but he’s not prideful and will relinquish his own power for the greater good. Plus, you just know that when he gives his heart, it’s a forever thing.
Brian Kinney (Queer As Folk): I’m guessing most people won’t know Brian Kinney, the out-and-proud gay anti-hero stud of Showtime’s Queer As Folk Pittsburgh LGBTQ scene. But when you want an example of the quintessential bad-boy with a heart of gold, he’s your go-to guy. Brian makes no apologies and takes no prisoners on his quest to remain forever young and beautiful, refusing to commit or capitulate to the institutions of love and marriage that he views as fake constructs invented by straights to “get laid”. That is, until he meets Justin Taylor, who slowly, episode by episode, chisels his way into Brian’s granite heart. Brian is confident to the point of cocky, knows that he’s walking sex-on-a-stick (thank you, Gale Harold), and is usually the smartest guy in the room. On the surface, the things that he does seem only to serve his own desires and needs. But behind the scenes, Brian uses his power and influence to help those he loves, refusing to take credit, almost fearful that people will see that he even has a softer side. Brian is the kind of guy who holds you at arm’s length, but once he lets you get close, he’s devoted to you forever.
Joshua Lyman (The West Wing): I adore Josh Lyman. I love that he’s a big-brained nerd who never gives up on his idealistic dreams. I love that he often puts his foot in it. While Bradley Whitford is cute as a button, Josh isn’t hot in the traditional romantic hero way. But he exudes a confidence that just screams sexiness. He’s the rock star of politics, the example of power as aphrodisiac. But in his heart, he’s still a goof-ball. I imagine being involved with Josh would be tough because his heart and attention would be divided equally between his career and his partner. To that end, he’d afford you a lot of room to be your own person and pursue your own passions. It’s a strong, fiercely independent woman who would match well with him. I’m up to the task.
Dean Winchester (Supernatural): If ever there was a man who has suffered more for those he loves than Dean Winchester, I don’t know who it might be. The guy actually went to Hell to save his brother. Physically and emotionally, Dean is always putting himself at risk to fight the monsters that threaten everyone around him. He’s equal parts confident and vulnerable, the sad puppy who wants more than anything a home and to be loved. Plus, he’s funny. A guy who proudly admits a love for stadium rock and 80s hair bands, wears black and leather like he was born in them, and looks like Jensen Ackles doesn’t need to do much more to attract me. But it’s Dean’s generous heart hidden by layers of tough bravado that cements my love for this guy.
Bonus Entry – Captain Malcolm “Mal” Reynolds (Firefly). Before he became a famous TV mystery writer, Nathan Fillion charmed the pants off me as the sci-fi/western space pirate Captain Mal Reynolds. All credit given to the stunning dialog written by the incomparable Joss Whedon, but I just hang on every word out of Malcolm Reynold’s mouth. Add to his parched-dry sense of humor his absolute loyalty to his crew and I’m done for. Mal is a loser (he literally lost a war) who will do whatever it takes to provide for those in his care. He refuses to sell out his ideals, cherishing his freedom and autonomy above comfort and security. He’s a champion for the underdog, a hero for the downtrodden, a shield for the powerless. He’s also stubborn as hell, refuses to admit when he’s wrong, and fails to see love when it’s standing right in front of him. Often, he’s his own worst enemy. He doesn’t always win the fight, but he always, always gets back up and keeps fighting. In short, he’s the most human of heroes, short of perfection but always striving to be better.
Addendum: After writing up this list and studying the similarities between these fictional men, I’ve come to see that my ideal hero is loyal to a fault. He holds his heart close, but once given, he’s devoted to the very end. He’s not into flashy displays of altruism, but rather keeps his good deeds under wraps. Earning his love takes work, but it is well worth the effort.
Please share in the comments those heroes (and heroines) you’d put on your Laminated Freebie List and why. I’m always game to start a new list.
~ Jenna Harper
A resounding yes to VERSAILLES and Alexander Vahlos as Louis XIV’s brother Philippe. I know some historical die-hards who hate the show because it does take a lot of historical liberties and is gratuitous at times. However, it’s beautifully shot, and the tension between Louis and Philippe is very compelling. I do think the actor playing the Chevalier overacts his part, though, and I’ve only watched half of season one so far. I got distracted from it and need to go back where I left off with it.
I also loved THE MUSKETEERS series–which is more inspired by the book rather than a faithful retelling of it. Tom Burke as Athos and the love-hate relationship he has with Milady was so good! I’d definitely have Tom Burke’s Athos on my list, but I also loved the actors playing Aramis and Porthos. Other actors of special mention in this are Ryan Gage, who was wonderfully amusing as the king, and Peter Capaldi as Cardinal Richelieu (but he left the show after season one to become the next Doctor in Doctor Who). I miss this show!
Tom Burke has been brilliant as Cormoran Strke in the BBC mini-series Strike (based on JK Rowlings books). He was my favourite Musketeer.
Great list and idea!
YES! for Josh / Bradley Whitford loved him and am a total Wing Nut
100% Team Spike for Buffy but 100% no to Riley, sorry just bland.
Not sure if it is available in the US but I’m hooked on the series VERSAILLES and Alexander Vahlos as Louis XIV’ brother Phillipe, is just gorgeous, and I love intelligent complex characters.
Having grown up with Hugh Laurie as a double act with Stephen Fry and then Jeeves, in Jeeves and Wooster again with Stephen Fry, Oh and in Black Adder as the goofy Prince Regent – it was hard to see him as a sexy Dr House and weird to hear him have an American accent! However, there were moments I could see the sex appeal although seeing him get down and dirty was a bit embarrassing because of the way I’ve always seen him in UK. He is a bit of a National Treasure here.
I have to admit that no one can live up to my first crush – Scott Tracy in Thunderbirds – so he’s a puppet, I grew up on re runs of Thunderbirds, and to my nursery school heart he was the most handsome man ever!
Agree with you about Alexander Vlahos – I’d never come across him before and thought he gave an inspired performance along with Evan Williams (Chevalier) who, again, was new to me. Too bad it’s not being renewed for a forth series – I will miss it!
Oh no Elaine you have broken my heart NO FOURTH SERIES OF VERSAILLES?! Why it was brilliant and so well made and accurate and YES to Phillipe and The Chevalier wow hot stuff. It was a joint endeavour between the BBC and Canal+, which is a very hot French tv channel.
I was unsure about how the US would react to the sex especially the gay sex maybe they couldn’t sell it to the US? It is a beautiful series though.
Okay, Versailles was not always accurate, but we used to have a 10 minute history lesson after each episode on the BBC. It put things into perspective and mentioned if things were wrong like certain characters who were conglomerations of several people.
Great list Jenna! Particularly Brian Kinney and Nathan Fillion. Beyond what has already been mentioned here by others, I’d have to include Timothy Olyphant’s character on Justified . . . although I would NOT want to live in that world.
Ha! Raylan is one of my favorite characters on TV ever. It’s a testament to Walton Goggins that he manages to upstage Olyphant so regularly. Their dynamic is one of the best ever seen on the screen.
Yes, Raylan Givens could easily be on my list. I just love his character. A big part of that is the language of that show – it’s like poetry. But Timothy Olyphant is the definition of a tall drink of water.
Did you watch Deadwood? He plays a similar character there.
I’m all over the place on my favorite male characters on TV and am not sure if there is anything that definitely connects them.
Fox Mulder because David Duchovny’s Mulder was a witty, sexy, and intense renegade, and he valued his female partner’s brain and skills as much if not more than her attractiveness.
Spike from Buffy because he’s hilariously evil and pretty to look at. I don’t generally go for peroxided men, but he’s the exception. (And yes, I wanted Buffy to choose Spike.)
Ron Swanson from Parks & Recreation. Possibly a weird choice, but I just adore his grumpiness and inner, secret love for his fellow humans.
Benedict Cumberbatch’s Sherlock, the best sociopathic version of Sherlock I’ve read or viewed. I want to record that man’s voice and fall asleep to it at night.
Hugh Laurie’s Dr. House. I may have a thing for the darker, grumpier male characters now that I think more about it.
I will say if it’s Angel or Spike, I am 100% on Team Spike!
Have you been following the news that the show, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, is apparently going to be back on TV with an updated and modernized cast. Whedon is on board as an executive producer. The show is going to cast an African-American actress for Buffy from what I’ve read.
Also, Whedon has a new show coming on HBO soon called The Nevers. It sounds fabulous. I really hope all oft his happens!!
I have–about the BtVS reboot. But I don’t know about The Nevers. I’m off to check it out!
Oh, yes, count me in for Spike! I loved that he got so stupid over Buffy. And the episode in Season 6 when he first sees that she’s alive is probably one of my favorite Buffy moments ever. The look on his face! Plus James Marsters was just dreamy even as a Billy Idol wannabe.
Funny thing about Spike (Marsters) and Jon Snow (Kit Harington) is how truly small/tiny they are in real life. You don’t realize it until they stand next to other male actors or even with their tiny female love interests. Marsters is only 5’9″ and I’ve heard Harington is somewhere between 5’6″ and 5’8″ (varies according to source). Since I’m pretty short, that’s not a deal breaker for me.
I think I need to check out iZombie and Poldark!
iZombie has four compelling male leads, three of whom are LOVELY men. It’s kinda great for that alone.
OK. My five TV boyfriends would be:
Keith from Six Feet Under–he is a great father, super sexy, and in it for the long haul.
Riley from Buffy. I always thought he was the best true match for Buffy–funny, compassionate, aware of his own limitations, and deeply loyal.
Jim from The Office. I’m not sure anyone actually tops Jim. He is the whole package.
Logan from Veronica Mars. He takes a while to get there but Logan–especially grown up Logan–loves Veronica in a way that is breathtakingly romantic.
Ravi from iZombie. Peyton is not worthy of his love.
YES to the Riley! I loved Riley. Never understood all of the Riley-hate. He was a good guy and I hated to see him go. Although, I confess that if it were me, I’d go with Spike first and Riley second with Angel coming in at a very tight third.
Jim was also a also-ran for my list. Maybe the top 10. His sense of humor is so sexy, plus he’s got that real-guy quality.
And Logan can stand with Brian Kinney in the bad-boys who are truly good section. Making me want to go back and Veronica Mars binge.
My husband had never watched VM so we watched it a few years ago. The first two seasons are sublime and the third just fine!
Oh my god, how did I forget Jim!
Did you see the VM movie? I usually say that Piz is who I think she needed, but Logan will always be who she chooses and who fits her.
Yes. The movie is the only reason Logan’s on my list! Otherwise he’d be a bad boy but not one I’d want forever. Although that first kiss….
Funny thing–I had a hard time seeing Chase Graves as super evil on iZombie because I kept seeing him as grown-up, absurdly buff Logan!
YES TO DEAN WINCHESTER. YES. Lawd, Jensen Ackles’ grin…
Jake Peralta on Brooklyn Nine-Nine is creeping up the list for me – he makes me laugh, he loves his wife SO HARD, he’s passionate about his job, and he’s a ready to fess up to being wrong.
Hmm… probably also Coach Taylor from Friday Night Lights. Because while Tim Riggins is hotness personified… being in his life would stress me out.
Josh Lyman has been on my list for a long time, but I hear too much of Sorkin’s mansplain-y tendencies in his dialogue now that it puts me off a bit.
Adore Coach Taylor too. And if I had to pick a young ‘un from Friday Night LIghts, it would never be Riggins. I’d fall for Matt. Those Taylor women have excellent choice in men!
I really waffled back and forth about including Coach Taylor on my Freebie card – he’s definitely on my Top 10 list. And choosing between Taylor, Riggins and Matt would be a true hardship. Taylor is a grown up, reliable, honorable and true and maybe the best ever imaginary husband. And Matt is just the kind of guy you want to talk long walks with and talk, plus he’d be so completely devoted. So sweet. But dang, that Tim Riggins (Taylor Kitsch) melts the butter on my biscuit! He would be too hard to be involved with given both his massive collection of matching baggage and his too-hot-for-himself looks, but he’d sure be a lot of bad-boy fun!
We should do a column on our favorite bad boys from TV. Riggins (Friday Night Lights), Stringer Bell (the Wire), Blaine (iZombie) all come to mind.
On it!
I like to believe I married the Northern Irish version of Matt Saracen, so I’m certainly partial to our QB1! But you’re right – the men of Dillon are something else.
I’d probably put Riggins on my Bad Boys list, just because of the cowboy attitude and his growth arc.
Oh, Joshua, Josh, Josh… from the “pwesident’s bwiefing” to “I’m so sick of Congress, I could vomit”… Josh Lyman was probably my first TV boyfriend, and still holds a special place in my heart! Plus, I met Bradley Whitford in NY years ago and he was just lovely :)
Another vote here for Ross Poldark. He’s flawed and pig-headed and but always tries to follow his conscience, even when – almost always – it makes it hard for everyone around him! Plus – Aidan Turner is sex on legs ;)
Jamie Fraser (Sam Heughan) is definitely #1 on my list followed by Aidan Turner’s Ross Poldark at #2. I also really loved Toby Stephen’s Mr Rochester in the BBC production of Jane Eyre so he comes in at #3. And at #4 would be James Norton’s Andrei in another BBC production, War and Peace. Finally, #5 would be David Berry who is Lord John Grey in the Outlander series. And if I could be allowed a very sentimental “blast from the past” it would be #6 Robin Ellis, the original Ross Poldark.
Oh, I do love Lord John Grey (David Berry)! I’m perfectly on board if STARZ wants to do a Lord John Grey spinoff series from Outlander. I’ve been meaning to watch the Poldark series -you’ve inspired me to give it a go.
I’m midway through Season 3 of Black Sails and have pledged allegiance to the Church of Captain James McGraw/Flint as the savage ginger queer icon I never thought I needed. Toby Stephens makes him so compelling, even at his worst.
But the fictional TV character that I would love to be my boyfriend is Ravi from iZombie. He’s witty, unapologetically geeky, and unfailingly reliable.
For a non-western TV series, my pick would be Xiao Jingyan in the Chinese historical drama Nirvana in Fire. He’s the stubborn martial prince grieving the loss of his best friend, and he spends most of the series unaware that his best friend survived and has come to him in another guise to help him win the throne over his more scheming half-brothers.
Co-sign on Ravi. He is all that you describe and I feel sure his knowledge of anatomy is one he uses in more than just the morgue!
Black Sails is the best! Totally underrated show.