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Ain’t No Mountain High Enough: A guest post and a giveaway by Susan Cliff

Hello AAR! It’s release day for Navy SEAL Rescue, the second book in my Team Twelve series. This story features an Iraqi doctor heroine and a Navy SEAL/mountain climber hero. They team up for a daring journey across the Zagros Mountains.

I’ve always loved a rugged, outdoorsy hero. Lately I’ve been attracted to wilderness settings more than ever. I compiled a list of my recent favorites featuring mountains, climbing and extreme adventures.

Lessons in Gravity by Megan Westfield

Westfield is a new author to me and a gem of a find. Her gravity-defying hero is a free solo rock climber, which means he climbs without ropes. No ropes, on Yosemite’s highest granite walls! The heroine is an aspiring filmmaker hired to record his amazing feats. This story has everything, from a spectacular setting and unique hero to a sweet romance and nail-biting climbing scenes. I loved it.

The Killing Game by Toni Anderson

Here’s a chilling tale from a top-notch author in romantic suspense. Anderson drops us in the Hindu Kush region of Afghanistan, a snowy, remote backdrop for a wildlife expert heroine and British soldier hero. The dialogue, chemistry, plot and action are all stellar. While Westfield’s story focuses on new adults, Anderson’s characters are seasoned pros. If you like romantic suspense, don’t miss this one. It’s fantastic.

The Mountain Between Us by Charles Martin

Maybe this is cheating because I haven’t read the book, but I highly recommend the movie. It’s a thrilling survival story with a surprisingly strong, satisfying romance. Idris Elba plays a surgeon with an accent to die for who turns into a rugged mountain man (my favorite!). He manages to be mesmerizing and understated at the same time. I watched this with my family and we all loved it. A perfect treat for a cozy night.

Try these recs if you’re into mountain adventures and sexy outdoorsmen! You can also try Navy SEAL Rescue, my latest release.

Bound by more than desire…

A gripping Team Twelve romantic thriller

Sexy SEAL William Hudson will accept any help escaping enemy captivity…even if that comes from beautiful Dr. Layah Anwar, who’s willing to do anything to get her family to safety. Though neither Layah nor Hud trust easily, they must join forces on a harrowing journey across the mountains. Their survival is threatened by the brutal elements, enemy snipers…and the devastating desire they can’t deny.

I have FIVE print copies to give away (US only). Leave a comment for a chance to win. What do you think about rugged heroes? Do you like rock climbers and wilderness settings, or are you more of an indoor girl?


Susan Cliff


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04/07/2018 12:28 am

Outdoorsy hero and Iraqi heroine – that’s all I needed to hear!

Susan Cliff
Susan Cliff
Reply to  Nancy
04/07/2018 2:11 pm

Thanks Nancy! Hit me up if you want a print copy. :)

Megan Westfield
Megan Westfield
04/04/2018 12:31 am

Susan–Congrats on your release! Sounds great and I’m adding it to my #tbr. Thanks for reading Lessons in Gravity and including it in this post. :)

Susan Cliff
Susan Cliff
Reply to  Megan Westfield
04/07/2018 2:10 pm

Thanks Megan and Keira! There’s a book by Ruthie Knox with a Sherpa hero who meets the heroine on Mt Everest. I think it’s called Truly. It doesn’t have much climbing but I loved the hero.

Keira Soleore
Keira Soleore
Reply to  Susan Cliff
04/07/2018 9:49 pm

Sherpa hero…Now, that is interesting!

Keira Soleore
Keira Soleore
04/03/2018 10:03 pm

Thank you for this list of books. I’ve been fascinated by climbing ever since I read Jon Krakauer’s Everest piece for Outside magazine, that went on to become his Into Thin Air, I’ve been seeking out books on climbing adventures.

Megan Westfield
Megan Westfield
Reply to  Keira Soleore
04/04/2018 12:38 am

Hi Keira! It’s probably very poor form for me to reply to your post and advertise my own book, but, coincidentally, I just released a romance novel set on Mount Everest and seeing as you are an Everest girl like me, I had to share that fact. ;) I also have a free 50-page Mount Everest bonus book with tons of pictures over on my website at http://www.meganwestfield.com/everestbonus.

Keira Soleore
Keira Soleore
Reply to  Megan Westfield
04/04/2018 8:36 pm

Email sent. Thanks!

Annelie Hopfenmueller
Annelie Hopfenmueller
04/03/2018 3:59 am

Loved the Mountain between us, it’s an outstanding book – with a twist!

Susan Cliff
Susan Cliff
Reply to  Annelie Hopfenmueller
04/07/2018 1:38 am

Hi Annelie! You won a copy of NAVY SEAL RESCUE. Please email me at susancliffauthor@gmail.com with your info.

Thanks AAR!