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Favorite Movie of the Summer or Mother Nature is a Serial Killer

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Now that summer is officially over I am ready to call my favorite movie of the season, which would be (drum roll please) World War Z. Terrific pacing, strong acting and an interesting story line make this a must see of 2013.

The story is simple: Ex-United Nations employee Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) is enjoying the downtime with his family when the virus hits. A bug that spreads within ten seconds and kills almost instantly leaving behind an ambulatory but dead host. In other words, a zombie. In exchange for getting his family to a place of safety Gerry agrees to work once more for what’s left of the United Nations, going on a global quest to find the source for a deadly contagion.

What I love about this story is that while it contains some horrific scenes it is not about the horror. It’s about danger, adventure and the fact that even global problems really come down to the domestic. Who do we care about when disaster falls? The same people we loved before it fell. I also loved the intellectual aspect of the movie – there is a problem to be solved and brute force won’t solve it. It takes a combo of both survival skills and smarts to get to the solution.

I bought this a few weeks ago when it came out on DVD and was glad to watch it a second time. It definitely stands up under multiple viewings.

What was your favorite film of the summer? And have you seen World War Z? What did you think of it?

– Maggie AAR[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]


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10/09/2013 1:14 pm

I just watched WWZ and thoroughly enjoyed it. But my husband tells me it was panned? Must have departed from the original story…or something.

maggie b
maggie b
Reply to  Wendy
10/10/2013 9:49 am

It did depart from the original story. In the book the outbreak is traced easily to China. I think for sales reasons they went with “we don’t really know.” I hadn’t known it was panned as a result – just knew I liked it. :-)

10/07/2013 9:46 am

I watched World War Z and it was action packed and moved along really well. I probably wouldn’t say it was my favorite but very watchable. Not sure if it’s a summer movie, but I only could watch The Great Gatsby for half an hour — awful!!!

Really really liked The East (about eco-terrorism) and The Sapphires (about four Aboriginal girls and their manager who tour as a singing group during the Vietnam War).