
Love on the Small Screen

claire-and-philThe American Fall TV Season is getting back into swing and loyal viewers will soon be reconnecting with beloved characters from the small screen. While I have several shows being recorded on my DVR the one the whole family is anticipating most is Modern Family. Following the trials and triumphs of three nuclear families that are part of an extended clan this sweet sitcom highlights love and family American style. I adore almost every character on it but my favorite duo on the show is easily Phil and Claire Dunphy. Here are five reasons why:

  1. They’re smexy: In the episode My Funky Valentine we see them try to add some spark and sizzle to the relationship by doing role playing where Phil poses as Clive Bixby, a visiting businessman and Claire as Julianna, a local housewife. Of course it has a funnily disastrous result. They didn’t need it anyway – as the episode Caught in the Act showed, these two are still passionate.
  2. They’re romantic: In the first season we see the episode Hawaii, where Phil tries to turn a family vacation into a second honeymoon (technically first since they never really had one.) While most of his attempts end in disaster he manages to create a truly special moment at the end. Claire, who is far more practical than romantic, takes years to reciprocate. She finally hits a home run in A Fair to Remember when she gives him a surprising (and appropriate to him) gift for their 20th (china) wedding anniversary.
  3. They enjoy each other’s company: In the episode Our Children, Ourselves Phil and Claire tell us of their shared love of cheesy cinema. “Our favorite categories include genetically engineered animals gone wrong, old and young people switching bodies, tough guys taking care of babies, any sequel three and higher. You usually get a new cast around five; that’s where the magic really happens.” In the episode Halloween they tell us of their shared love of the spooky and scary; when they met they went from “one please” at horror films to “two please.” In every episode we see how they truly get each other. In Run for Your Wife Claire figures out that the first day of school is hard for all her kids –especially the one she married. In Our Children, Ourselves Phil alludes to Claire’s OCD nature, which is a running joke in the extended family. Numerous episodes such as Me? Jealous? and Message Received talk about the fact that it is their ability to make each other laugh that really binds them together.
  4. They complement each other: In the episode Aunt Mommy Claire is delighted by how Alex controls a bad situation (a definite Claire trait) and Haley and Luke use creativity ( a Phil trait) to solve some problems. It is their ability to pick up the slack for each other that makes them a good team, something they discuss with great sweetness on the episode Someone to Watch Over Lilly.
  5. There is minimal drama: I love Mitch and Cam but most of their story arcs contain a lot of drama – whether it’s about the name on Lilly’s adoption papers or the idea that Mitch might have a child from a previous relationship. Phil and Claire have been together a lot longer and their relationship has settled into a happier, more comfortable routine. There is still a lot of drama in their lives, they are just at a point where they are facing it together rather than letting it come between them. Arrested is an episode which really highlights this aspect of their relationship.

So there it is, why I totally love Phil and Claire. What favorite shows are you looking forward to reconnecting with? Who is your favorite couple on TV?

Maggie AAR



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10/08/2014 3:42 pm

I’ve always loved the relationship of Booth and Brennan on Bones. On the surface, they have nothing in common: he’s devout Catholic, she’s atheist; he’s close to his family; she’s estranged from hers (although she reconciles with her father); he’s emotional, she’s analytical and logical. But the writers and actors have done a good job of growing the characters and showing that each partner can stay true to him/herself and at the same time, see the other’s point of view and reach a workable compromise- isn’t that what a loving relationship is all about?

10/03/2014 10:18 pm

The TV couple with the most intense love affair with lots of sexual tension is Olivia and Fitz on Scandal. They make the word ‘Hi’ sound sexy. Their one minute scenes with no words ooze chemistry as do their phone calls.

I miss the Closer which also had a couple with romantic chemistry.

10/03/2014 8:13 am

I’m one of those who prefer Cam & Mitch instead of the Danphy couple. So I guess I prefer drama than -well, Danphy’s strange behaviour. This article has made me think about those times in which I saw a TV series and there was some sexy or love tension in it. The first Grey’s Anatomy seasons, for instance. Or the first The Good Wife. The, both series went south -at least for me.
Nowadays, the only TV series with that level of sexual tension that I can think of is Scandal.
Major Crimes was a TV series that I watched for a season and a half and then stopped watching it b/c what those policemen and women did with suspects was against everything I believe as the due process of law. There was something repulsive in the way they acted. I just couldn’t accept it. And that’s something that has not happened to me with any other series -and I follow the three CSI!

library addict
library addict
10/02/2014 3:17 pm

I’m happy The Mentalist will be back mid-season.

I don’t watch NCIS, Elementary, Major Crimes, or Person of Interest when they air so I can justify getting the DVDs.

I’m watching Big Bang Theory and NCIS New Orleans (mostly for CCH Pounder, but hoping the show will improve). I am really enjoying the new show Forever which I hadn’t planned to watch as I erroneously thought it was about vampires. I love the romance between the lead character and his wife, even though we will only ever see it in flashbacks.

Maria D..
Maria D..
10/01/2014 12:37 pm

I do watch TV but lately I seem to be watching a lot of police shows or other types…not much in the way of relationships…unless you count my guilty pleasure – Scandal and then I’d have to say that I’m definitely a fan of Olivia and Jake…..

maggie b.
maggie b.
Reply to  Maria D..
10/01/2014 12:45 pm

I’ve wanted to watch Scandal and haven’t had the chance yet. Soon hopefully :-)

maggie b.
maggie b.
10/01/2014 11:02 am

I haven’t had the television on more than a couple of hours this whole year. I’m not sure why I even renewed my contract. The only show that I used to religiously watch was the Closer, and then a watched Major Crimes for one season. I had another season recorded, but lost it, when I had my DVR replaced, so never picked up watching it again. One great thing about not watching TV is that I miss on the political ads around this time of year.

Haven’t seen too many political ads yet and thanks to the DVR I can just fast forward past the ones that are out there :-) I miss the Closer – not as wild about Major Crimes. It just lacks – something.

10/01/2014 10:48 am

I haven’t had the television on more than a couple of hours this whole year. I’m not sure why I even renewed my contract. The only show that I used to religiously watch was the Closer, and then a watched Major Crimes for one season. I had another season recorded, but lost it, when I had my DVR replaced, so never picked up watching it again. One great thing about not watching TV is that I miss on the political ads around this time of year.

maggie b.
maggie b.
10/01/2014 10:31 am

I don’t watch a lot of tv, but do enjoy Nashville, Revenge and Downton Abbey.Have lately gotten into Sherlock and just finished binge watching all six seasons of Doc Martin.

I love Downton and Sherlock! I need to check out Doc Martin. Haven’t seen that one yet and am always looking for new shows.

10/01/2014 9:59 am

I don’t watch a lot of tv, but do enjoy Nashville, Revenge and Downton Abbey. Have lately gotten into Sherlock and just finished binge watching all six seasons of Doc Martin.

10/01/2014 9:09 am

My fav tv couples are Sookie and Eric on True Blood, Chuck and Blair on Gossip Girl, and Danny and Mindy on The Mindy Project.

maggie b.
maggie b.
Reply to  Samantha
10/01/2014 11:33 am

I’ve heard great things about The Mindy Project. I should definitely check it out.