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Linda Howard's Troublemaker: A Pandora's Box

Today, AAR reviewers Maggie Boyd and Mary Skelton tackle Troublemaker, the latest book by New York Time’s bestseller Linda Howard.

Here is Maggie’s summary of the novel:

Isabeau “Bo” Maran is surprised – and displeased – when she receives a self-igniting birthday card from the ex-step-brother she loves to hate. She is even more displeased when she finds that the present alluded to in the card is actually a sick man in need of a very private place to recuperate. She is happy with the bribe she receives to play nursemaid – $150,000.00 will go a long way to alleviating the debt from a bad business decision and putting her back in financial solvency. Looks like she and her dog, Tricks, will be entertaining a house guest.

As the leader of a paramilitary group Morgan Yancy is used to facing danger. He just didn’t expect to find it waiting for him in his own driveway after a day of fishing. Six weeks in hospital after the gunshot wound and he’s ready to break out of that establishment but the open-heart surgery and subsequent pneumonia have proven pretty serious setbacks. He’s in no condition to kick ass and take names like he needs to. When his boss sends him to finish his recuperation – and hide out from whoever ambushed him – at a lazy little West Virginia town he expects to be bored out of his skull within a week. Instead he finds a dog who loves to keep him on his toes and a dog owner who makes his blood sing. But Bo is none too pleased to have him camping out in her home. Can he somehow convince her to give in to the passion between them and let him make this place –and her- his permanent base? 


Maggie: Any time Linda Howard releases a new book, I’m completely overjoyed. Her novel Open Season is one of my favorite romances of all time and many of her books are favorite re-reads for me. Are you a long time Linda Howard fan, and if so, what are your favorites?

Mary:  I believe I have read every single Linda Howard book that has ever been published; most of them multiple times.  Son of the MorningAfter the NightCry No More…I have more favorites than those in the meh pile for this author.  Every time I learn she has a new book coming out I am so hopeful…

Maggie: This book reminded me a bit of Cover of Night or Ice, both of which I thoroughly enjoyed. I think it was the small town location and friendly, funny local characters which caused me to mentally make that comparison. Did it remind you of any of her previous works?

Mary:  I have read both of those titles and they kind of fall in the “meh” pile for me.  I liked Ice better than Cover of Night though.  The latter had the romance on the back burner for too much of the book.  Linda Howard is strongest, in my opinion, when her romance is the strongest.

Maggie: I totally agree. The books are best when the focus stays on the romance.

Bo seemed a bit like Jaclyn Wilde from another Howard favorite, Veil of Night. Both characters are very reserved initially but have a warm core. What did you think of Bo?

Mary:  I had a few problems with Bo and the way she was written.  I did not particularly dislike her as a character, but I feel that most of the problem with Linda Howard’s more recent books is she is still trying to write in a 1980-90s worldview and that makes her current work feel dated.  The occupation of Bo for example:  Having her in the role of chief of police is progressive and current, but then she has to make the position almost a figure-head role that requires no police work or knowledge.  It strips the heroine of some of her agency.  It seems like the author is trying to step into current times, but she is dragging her feet doing it. I do give her props for trying though.

Maggie: It’s funny you should mention that because I got the same vibe from the he-man food issue. The whole idea that men would consider skim-milk “girly” and frown upon salads or yogurt seemed archaic. Guys today are far more in to healthy food and far more likely to drink skim milk than they used to be.

Morgan captured my attention just a little bit less than the average Howard hero. Normally, her men are my romantic ideal. In this novel, I felt we just didn’t get to know and understand him enough for me to fall under his spell. I think another reason Morgan didn’t win me over quite as much is what happened in the aftermath of the Heritage Day Parade. The entire Heritage Day scene was exciting and fun but at the end of the excitement, the scene in the police car reminded me a tiny bit of Death Angel, one of my less favorite Howard novels.  What did you think of him?

Mary:  He was just fine.  Nothing wonderful, but a decent stock romantic suspense hero.

Maggie: She’s capable of so much more, though! Maybe that’s why he was so disappointing. And speaking of disappointing, I think Tricks, Bo’s golden retriever, was supposed to be a completely endearing character but I didn’t fall in love with her. In fact, I found that she was a distraction from the two main characters and their romance. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good pet in a novel, in this case I just didn’t feel the writing sustained that particular addition. What did you think?

Mary:  I have a wonderful border collie that high five’s me when my college football team scores a touchdown, can tell all of our cats apart and dance through a hula hoop.  So I get the pet fanaticism.  But, it is kind of like talking about your children.  You are thrilled with every little wonderful thing they accomplish and you KNOW they are the best thing since sliced bread…but…other people do not want to hear you go on and on about your children.  It gets tedious.  I was so over Tricks by the end of the book.

Maggie: As mentioned above, I think the romance here was a bit weakened by everything happening around it. What were your thoughts on that aspect of the novel?

Mary:  I think you are being more generous with the novel than I am.  Maybe it is because I expect more from a Linda Howard novel, but I just think she has lost some of her romantic mojo trying to hang on to a formula that worked for her in the past, but has become stale with time.  For a romance to really work, that relationship has to connect with the reader on some visceral level.  I just did not feel that much of a connection.  I liked the second half of the book much better than the first and about the time I was really starting to get in tune with the main characters, the book was over.  There was too much description, too much build-up and not enough word count spent on the most important aspect of the book, in my opinion – the relationship between the hero and heroine.

Maggie:  Agree. That’s the part of the novel she really dropped the ball on. My review of this one will be a B-. I found it very readable, something light and entertaining for a sunny afternoon but ultimately forgettable.  What grade would you give it and why?

Mary: I would probably give it a C+/B-, leaning more toward the C+.  I felt the book had promise and then the promise was never completely fulfilled.  I doubt I will ever pick it up again.  So…meh.



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Jan Teplitz
Jan Teplitz
05/20/2016 10:41 am

I am a fan of Ms Howard’s earlier books, but Troublemaker left me cold. I love animals, but the amount of time devoted to the dog, Tricks, was distracting and really contributed little to the plot. Given the attention paid to the dog and her supercanine intelligence, I expected her to play a key role in the resolution of the plot – nope, just an excuse to add pages to the book. Because so much time was given to Tricks, I never felt the connection between the lead characters. Just meh, in my opinion. Not what I expect from an author of Linda Howard’s ability.

05/14/2016 10:14 pm

I really loved it. I liked the very nature way that the relationship between Bo and Morgan developed and really enjoyed the small town setting and characters (not something that’s always true for me). I do agree that there was a bit too much of Tricks’s tricks, but I have a feeling that Howard was writing these bits as an homage to a dog she just lost – it’s been a while since I read the galley but I think there was a dedication to the dog at the beginning?

It’s not in my top five for Howard but I read it cover to cover. I will admit I probably ranked it a bit higher because it was so much better then her last couple, so there’s that. But I’ve also gone back and re-read a couple times, so definitely in the win category for me.

05/11/2016 12:24 pm

I haven’t read it yet, and to be honest I’m not really motivated to read it. If I came across it available in the library then I might.

05/11/2016 9:33 am

Well I finished this book last night and I absolutely adored the dog Tricks. She definitely was the star of the show but I don’t think that’s what Ms. Howard had in mind. There was definitely a lack of suspense till probably the last fifth of the book. In fact, to me this book read like recent Nora Roberts’ books, but with a LOT less descriptions of home decorating/landscaping.

maggie b.
maggie b.
Reply to  LeeB.
05/11/2016 10:32 am

LOL on the home decorating/landscaping – those two topics are normally interesting to me so I enjoy them in the Roberts’ books. Glad you liked this novel – I think it is a good read, just not a great one.

05/10/2016 12:29 am

I haven’t read any of her newer ones as I’ve heard bad things about them. I assumed it was somehow related to a health scare she had and when she came back something just wasn’t working anymore. I can’t believe it’s her ‘archaic’ writing as her oldies are so good if that’s archaic I’d like her new ones. I really love Open Season, MacKenzie’s Mountain and Duncan’s Bride, I love Cry No More, Dream Man and the Kell Sabin books (except one which was a bit of a stinker). I still have quite a few to read, especially Son of the Morning which I will read soon. I wish she would write again like her older books.

maggie b.
maggie b.
Reply to  Vickie
05/10/2016 6:42 pm

You make a good point about her older books still working for people. I’m not sure what it is that is “off” but there certainly seems to be something missing.

maggie b.
maggie b.
Reply to  maggie b.
05/10/2016 6:45 pm

That should say “something missing in her newer novels.” Don’t know what happened there.

05/09/2016 7:04 pm

Disappointing to read these reviews but I do appreciate them nonetheless. Some of Howard’s older books are fabulous, but it’s been quite a long time since I’ve enjoyed them. I think the comments about her archaic writing is particularly a problem.

maggie b.
maggie b.
Reply to  Blackjack1
05/10/2016 6:44 pm

I did “like” this one but it has been a while since I’ve fallen in love with one of her books. I keep picking up the new ones hoping she’ll get her mojo back.