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It’s the 20th Anniversary of Lord of Scoundrels!

AAR feels old! We can’t believe many of us first read Loretta Chase’s classic romance Lord of Scoundrels 20 years ago! We first reviewed the historical romance in 1997. The review was written by a reader who gave the book an A. In the review, she wrote:

One of the greatest thrills about reading, for me, is to begin a new book and within the first few pages realize that it’s one of the best books I’ve ever read. I get a shiver and I breathe a sigh of contentment and just fall into state of near total euphoria. This book will reside on my bedside table for months or longer, so I’ll have it near to reread a favorite bit of dialogue, a particularly wonderful scene or simply experience the same heartfelt emotion it evokes in me one more time. I cherish these books. I live for these books. Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase is one of these books.

A staff member reviewed the book again in 2009 and wasn’t quite as charmed. That time, the book got a B-. Our reviewer wrote:

Ultimately, what brings the grade down to a B- for me is the feeling that Jessica has a lot of very unromantic work in front of her to ease both Dominick and Dain’s transition into emotional maturity. Clearly, many, many AAR readers would disagree with my assessment, but in my humble opinion Lord of Scoundrels simply attempts too much.

Many of our readers do disagree. The novel has been chosen as the #1 romance in our top 100 poll four out of the five polls. It won the RITA for best Short Historical Romance and has been translated into at least fifteen languages including Turkish and Vietnamese.

I asked AAR staffers what they thought of the book. Several adored it. Several did not. Most had read it–many consider it part of the mythical romance novel canon.

What do you think of Lord of Scoundrels? Do you love Jessica? (I do.) Think Dain is a dreamboat (or a douche)? Are there scenes that make you sigh with joy whenever you read them? (For me, it’s the meet over the pornographic watch that gets me every time.) Are there things in the book that make you want to hurl the tome against the nearest wall? Have you never read and never will or do you read it again and again?

We want to know your thoughts/feelings about Lord of Scoundrels. And, thanks to our generous friends at Avon, we’ve got gifts for some lucky commenters. We’ll be giving away two signed copies of Lord of Scoundrels as well as a selection of Ms. Chase’s prodigious backlist. In addition, for those on Twitter today, Avon is asking readers to share their thoughts on the book, memories about reading it for the first time, favorite scenes, favorite lines, anything! They will be giving away signed copies of the book randomly to folks using the hashtag #LOSlove.

So, dish away!


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02/12/2015 4:48 pm

I pull this book out every year and visit again the world of Dain and Jessica. Would love to win!

02/08/2015 10:58 am

Like many, I first read Lord of Scoundrels after seeing on the Top 100 poll. I loved it then and immediately read Loretta Chase’s whole backlist. This year I joined Audible and LOS was my first audiobook. If its possible, the book is even better mixed with the magic of Kate Reading’s voice talent. I think the beauty of the book is the solid characterization. Jessica is so mature and sensible and has such clear vision that she see right to the heart of the obnoxious Dain. The humour mixed with romance and angst is perfectly balanced in my opinion.

02/01/2015 9:58 am

the book was wonderful until the random son was stuffed in.

01/29/2015 1:27 pm

Love LoS and Last Hellion. Along with Flowers in the Storm, my 3 favorite romances.

Can’t believe its been 20 years–I think I’ve been following AAR for every one of those years too.

01/26/2015 4:44 pm

While I will always feel the love for Lord of Scoundrels, it’s not my favorite by Ms. Chase. That would be a toss up between Don’t Tempt Me and The Last Hellion, both of which get reread more frequently than LoS.

01/25/2015 8:00 pm

I love this book. Dain’s reaction to Jessica giving him the icon always makes me tear up.

01/25/2015 12:56 pm

I guess I’m in the camp that liked LOS but have other Chase books that are favorites. Mine are The Last Hellion, followed by Lord Perfect.

01/25/2015 3:29 am

I read Lord of Scoundrels and enjoy it but it is not my favorite. I will reread it some day because of the prologue and Bertie. I loved Mr. Impossible and The Last Hellion.

01/24/2015 5:29 pm

I first read Lord of Scoundrels as a result of it being rated so highly in the “”Top 100″” polls. My notes to myself say that “”I liked it but didn’t think it a true keeper the first time, liked it much more on re-read.”” Then I got the audiobook and realized that it is truly a very special book and deserves the high ratings it gets from readers. It also was the first Loretta Chase I read and have since read 17 more of her books, enjoying every single one from her late 1980’s traditional Regencies to her most recent historicals.

Elizabeth Williams
Elizabeth Williams
01/24/2015 3:25 pm

I love reading books by Loretta Chase but for some reason LOS is one of my least favorite by her. I love Captives of the Night and Lord Perfect they are in my top 20 but I just don’t feel the love for LOS.

01/24/2015 11:09 am

I love many of Loretta Chase’s books but LoS was just “”meh”” for me. I have even reread it to try to get the magic that most people see but it just wasn’t there. Now, don’t get me started on Mr. Impossible and Lord Perfect. Those two are my favorite by Chase but also both in my top ten of all romances. This is one of the things I love about books is that everyone brings their own “”baggage”” (for lack of a better word) to every book their read. I do not think there is any book that is universally loved, although LoS does seem pretty close.

01/24/2015 10:41 am

Lord of Scoundrels is one of my favourite romance novels. Yes, it’s in my Top 10. I do love Jessica as well as Dain. Both characters have got something interesting and different. Some scenes are unforgettable -the one with the glove in a café, or the kiss in the rain. OMG, I just love them.

I don’t usually reread romance novels, but this is one of those books that I’ve read several times.

01/24/2015 10:29 am

I was very late to the party on Lord of Scoundrels. Kept seeing it at the top of everyone’s all time list but never got around to reading it. Then last year, bought the audiobook and loved it. This 20th anniversary discussion caused to me to buy the ebook this morning. Oh, boy! Oh, boy!

Janie McGaugh
Janie McGaugh
01/24/2015 1:04 am

I’ve never read it, though it is on my list of books to read.

Lady Wesley
Lady Wesley
01/23/2015 11:37 pm

Lord of Scoundrels is the perfect romance novel. Passionate, funny, touching, lively. Unforgettable.

01/23/2015 9:47 pm

One of the best romances ever! I have it in mm paperback, I have it in Five Star Edition Hardcover, I have it as an e-book. I only own one Audiobook….Lord of Scoundrels. The scene when they meet in the junk/antique shop. The scene when she shoots him. The scene when he removes her glove. The scene when he picks her up for a ride in the park after they are engaged. The scene when Jessica gives Dain the watch. Jessica and Dain are such richly drawn characters they could pull off a book on their own. But Ms. Chase throws in the best supporting cast ever! Come on, could Bertie Trent be more perfect?

01/23/2015 9:41 pm

Quite simply, one of the best. I think my favorite element is how Chase uses the prologue to establish the character of Dain. Understanding his past helps us to accept his behavior towards Jessica. And any heroine willing to shoot the hero earns points in my book. :-)

01/23/2015 9:09 pm

I picked it up randomly about 4 or 5 years ago. It was the first romance novel I had read in maybe 15 years and restarted me (obsessively?) reading the romance genre. Love it.

01/23/2015 8:46 pm

Surprising but I have never read Lord of Scoundrels but I am planning on listening to the audiobook version soon.

01/23/2015 8:42 pm

I loved it. Wow, 20 years already? Time for a reread. A signed copy would move it to the top of my TBR list.

01/23/2015 8:40 pm

One of my favorite authors, one of her best books, and the scene with the watch is just hilarious. #LOSlove

01/23/2015 5:59 pm

Wonderful book and one of my very favorites all-around and probably my favorite of Chase’s many books. So many of hers though land on my top 100 list.

01/23/2015 5:48 pm

Lord of Scoundrels is a perfect book.

01/23/2015 5:41 pm

I didn’t like it but I like all her other books. I do have a signed copy of LoS.

Mary C.
Mary C.
01/23/2015 5:35 pm

Recently had the pleasure of listening to the audiobook – it’s on my list to purchase a print version.

Alina K. Field
Alina K. Field
01/23/2015 5:09 pm

I love this book! The prologue about Dain’s abusive childhood was tough reading, but from the moment Jessica walks onto the stage, I couldn’t put it down. It probably says something about me that two of my favorites scenes are


when she’s out on the street bashing him with her hat, and when she walks in dramatically to the salon where he’s drinking with friends and shoots him. But, my very favorite moment is much quieter, it’s Jessica’s reaction during the settlement negotiations, when he says he might as well marry her. Instead of being insulted and throwing a fit, she hears the hurt little boy inside Dain. That moment really showed the strength and caring of this character. LOS is one of my LC favorites (with Lord Perfect and Mr. Impossible) that I reread every year to get through my holiday blues. #LOSlove

01/23/2015 4:28 pm

My friend made me read it. It got me to laugh and cry, and any book that accomplishes both of those is a success for me.

Louise B
Louise B
01/23/2015 3:29 pm

I have never read it, but all the accolades mean I would like to some time. Maybe if I had my own copy…

Maria F
Maria F
01/23/2015 2:46 pm

One of the very few books that as soon as I finished it the first time I turned right back to the first page and read it through again. A favorite ever since. Would love to have a signed copy! :)

01/23/2015 12:58 pm

One of my favourite Loretta Chase books and, out of the many hundreds of books that I own, one of the few that I’ve re-read several times over the years. This book in particular has fantastic witty dialogue throughout and an admirable heroine who was intelligent and capable and not a simpering fool. Now, if only more of Loretta’s back catalogue were available in the UK as physical books (not just Kindle)!

01/23/2015 12:10 pm

I know this is a classic, but I’ve never read it. I’ll have to rectify that at some point.

Kim T.
Kim T.
01/23/2015 11:48 am

One of the few romances that I remember well cover to cover after years of reading romance. Would love to have a nicer copy, mine is a bit worn:)

01/23/2015 11:26 am

Lord of Scoundrels is one of my very favorites – I love all of Loretta Chase’s works, but this one and Lord Perfect are my top two. I re-read LOS often and had to replace my original copy when it fell apart. When people tell me romance novels are poorly written (and there are some bad ones out there), I refer them to this one as proof that some are written wonderfully well.

Elinor Aspen
Elinor Aspen
01/23/2015 11:12 am

I need to re-read this. I remember enjoying it quite a bit, although it was not my favorite Loretta Chase book at the time (Mr. Impossible and Captives of the Night are my personal favorites). I did love the conversation about the watch.

Kristie (J)
Kristie (J)
01/23/2015 10:33 am

For me this book is iconic and a true classic in the romance genre. I read it every few years just to get that good feeling. There is so much a love about it – the practicality of Jessica versus the grumpy teadybearness of Dain. There are so many rich scenes in the book that I’m going to be nodding my head along with each different scene that posters mention. But the one that comes first to me is when Dain comes down to breakfast after their wedding night and the Icon that they have fought so much over is sitting where he sits. It’s just a matter of fact thing for Jess to give it him for his birthday, but it is monumental for Dain. And I almost tear up when he tries to explain to her what he sees in it. Then of course he gets all grumpy, but she gets a significant glimpse into what makes him tick.

01/23/2015 8:37 am

I love the rain scene where Dain says something like “”I’ve dreamed of you, I’ve wanted you in my arms since the moment I met you-I need you. I never would have guessed its been 20 years since it came out. Many thanks to Ms. Chase for all of the awesome books she has written.

Diane Newcomb
Diane Newcomb
01/23/2015 7:13 am

I’ve read this wonderful book over and over and have recommended it to many of my romance reading friends. It’s my favorite, and the scene where Dain unbuttons her glove is perfect… just perfect. #LOSlove.

01/23/2015 7:10 am

It’s not in my top ten, but surely in my top 50 and being Italian, I love it when Dain speaks and thinks in Italian.
I guess the giveaway is not internationally open?