I definitely take these photos.

CorinneVionnet_Beijing_PhotoOpportunitiesI saw this on Engadget the other day, and thought it was pretty cool. Basically, a Swiss photographer named Corinne Vionnet searched the Internet for hundreds of tourist photos of major attractions (Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, NYC skyline, etc.), and superimposed them on top of each other. She found it interesting that so many millions of tourists (me included) tend to take these photos from the same angle, maybe in search of that perfect postcard.

The result is a pretty fascinating blur that can get a bit much after a while (because they all kind of look the same). But some images almost look like oil paintings, and there’s something about the way that they all focus in on one thing (like Mao Tse-Tung, above, or the Kabba in Mecca) amidst the blur of humanity that makes me think.

– Jean AAR


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Jane Granville
Jane Granville
02/23/2011 10:58 am

I saw these, too… eerie, sometimes, when you see shadows and ghostly images of people.

02/23/2011 10:54 am

I saw that article and looked at the photos. Maybe it will inspire tourists/amateur photographers to branch out and go for some different angles. ; )