Happy Valentine’s Day!

It’s Valentine’s Day and tonight Dr. Feelgood and I plan to do…. nothing special. I didn’t get him a card and I bought flowers on Saturday at the Farmer’s Market so I sure hope he isn’t bringing me home any more. I also do not want any chocolates–he is the candy freak, not me–nor do I hope for a gift given that I’ve nary a thing for him. I’m just not that into Valentine’s Day.

Perhaps it was growing up in the wild 60s and early 70s where kids got Valentine’s cards in school and lorded their cache over those who didn’t. Or perhaps it’s that I’m a contrarian and don’t like having to buy stuff just because Hallmark says I should. Or maybe, as is often my excuse, I’m just a cranky old lady.

Tonight, after work, we’ll have a cocktail (I just made a batch of mint simple syrup and can’t wait to make us mint juleps with some really good bourbon.), order tacos from the takeout place on the next block, and watch Ozark. OK–we will do the latter snuggling on the couch.

How ’bout you? Do you love Valentine’s Day? Hate it? Do much about it?


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Carrie G
Carrie G
02/14/2022 9:37 am

We’ve occasionally gone to dinner, and before I worked in candy/chocolate stores for 8 years, my husband would buy me my favorite chocolate bar. But it’s never been a big deal. For the first 12 years of our marriage I was usually pregnant, just had a baby, or still nursing a baby, so it’s always been low keyed. Plus, who could afford babysitters? :-)

02/14/2022 6:36 am

Happy Valentine’s Day to those who celebrate. The date on which my husband and I decided to be exclusive and officially a couple was Valentine’s Day 1987. When we got married two years later, we chose the Saturday that was closest to Valentine’s Day, which in 1989 was February 11. So our wedding anniversary and Valentine’s Day are closely linked. This weekend, we celebrated our 33rd wedding anniversary with a very nice dinner at a steak house. (Because we live in southern Louisiana and this is Mardi Gras parade season, it took us a while to find a restaurant that had available seating on Valentine’s weekend and was not going to be blocked on the parade route; we ended up going to a place about 30 miles south of where we live.) Anyway, we exchanged anniversary cards and gifts on Friday and we’ll exchange cards and small gifts this evening. I did buy a strawberry-walnut Brie-en-croute for dessert after the Super Bowl last night, but we got so binged out on chicken wings, we forgot to heat it up. So that will be our dessert tonight.

Last edited 3 years ago by DiscoDollyDeb
Carrie G
Carrie G
Reply to  DiscoDollyDeb
02/14/2022 9:30 am

Happy Anniversary!

Caz Owens
Caz Owens
02/14/2022 5:37 am

We used to do something for Valentine’s when we were first together, go out for a meal, give small gifts, but haven’t really bothered for years. As it turned out, we got married on 19th February – so if we do celebrate anything, we celebrate that, although to be honest, we don’t usually bother much with that either. We’d already been together 8 years by the time we got married so it’s not a hugely significant date. Most years I actually have to stop and think about how long we’ve been married – and even then I usually work it out by thinking how old my eldest will be this August (23) – so it’s 23 years this weekend!

Carrie G
Carrie G
Reply to  Caz Owens
02/14/2022 9:32 am

Happy Anniversary! I, too, often have to go by my oldest’s age in order to remember how long we’ve been married. It was 38 years in January.

Caz Owens
Caz Owens
Reply to  Carrie G
02/14/2022 9:53 am

Thanks! We always joke that Elinor was actually at our wedding… she was just there on the inside!! We’ve been together 31 years… as Mr Caz is often heard to grump “you get less than that for murder…”

Last edited 3 years ago by Caz Owens