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Going Brolly Hunting

broken_umbrellaDear Jean,

You know, when you picked me out of a rack in Paris, I was surprised. I mean, you were dressed in black, black, and black; I am pink, beige, orange, and very, very bright. But I’ve enjoyed spearheading your wardrobe diversification. I’ve traveled four continents and innumerable countries with you. And I can say in all honesty that I’ve gotten beaten up, but you never let me mould. In return, I have never, ever flipped out on you.

But now, it’s time to let me go. I’m tired. I’m old. The junk drawer is exactly where I belong, along with your broken pencil case from Grade 2 and that handbag which, quite frankly, I’m insulted you bought because it so did not go with me.

It’s been a good ride.


Your soon-to-be ex-umbrella

So, I need a new umbrella. Honestly, I’m amazed this one has lasted as long as it has, because I bought it for looks and not for construction. But this time ’round, I’m choosing for major durability as well as looks. It would be awesome – actually, beyond awesome – if my umbrella could be like Alexia Tarabotti’s, from the Parasol Protectorate. But I live in the real world, so my only requirement is that it has to compact.

Any suggestions? Brands? Do you buy for durability, or do you replace your umbrella often?

– Jean AAR


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04/11/2011 5:07 am

I have a “blue sky with fluffy clouds” umbrella from the Museum of Modern Art – have had it for years, and love it. It is not a compact folding umbrella, but a full-sized one, with a sturdy wooden handle. Black outside, but when you look up, lovely blue sky with fluffy clouds, to cheer you up on a gloomy day. Check it out – it’s available lots of places, inlcuding this site http://www.uncommongoods.com/product/sky-umbrella

04/09/2011 12:35 pm

Jean: I usually buy my umbrella at the local drugstore.

04/09/2011 10:06 am

Tee – I am definitely choosing for looks as well, although I want my umbrella to be sturdy. I like being the only one on the street grinning like a lunatic, while everyone else is huddled under black umbrellas.

kathy – Actually, you’re not the only one. The site where I found the above image was a blog by someone who felt sorry for broken umbrellas. I’m not sure if it’s blog, poem, vignette, but it’s nice. http://dontletthelightsgoout.com/?p=87

LeeB – Yeah, my brolly cracks me up. Do you get your umbrellas at dollar stores, or bigger stores like Walmart? Or neither?

04/08/2011 9:31 pm

Your umbrella is so witty!

I tend to go through a lot of umbrellas living in Seattle. I usually buy solid colors, usually black or dark blue. I don’t buy the cheapest but something that will last awhile. And it has to be compact so I can tuck it in my shoulder bag.

04/08/2011 9:30 pm

I’m feeling sorry for an umbrella. I need a life.

04/08/2011 8:30 am

Umbrellas, in my mind, similar to a person’s hair color, can be changed often and at whim. I don’t necessarily go for the most expensive in this item, but I’ve found myself getting bold patterns these days instead of staid black. Right now I have a brown and white leopard print, but the next one may be bold-color polka dots or whatever catches my eye. It’s an occasional piece that is used on a gloomy day (unless it’s for the sun). What better way to brighten a somber day than with color and/or pattern? Note: Does not need to match ensemble. Yay.