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First Day

It’s that time of year.  Back to School Time.

Today is my first day of classes of my senior year of college.  I guess that means this is my last first day of school.  I bought new folders and notebooks, dug my planner out of a box, and need to get ready to head to class straight after a full day at work.  Not exactly the First Days of my childhood, when my mom would take a picture of me in my fresh new outfit and backpack, before walking me to the bus stop.  It makes me miss the crisp early fall mornings of post-Labor Day.  Here in D.C., we can expect heat and humidity, as is typical in mid-August.  Doesn’t quite feel like fall yet, does it?

I know it’s the first day of school for a number of elementary school children as well.  The local public school system starts today, as are other districts around the country.  So for you, your kids, your grandkids, or whomever you know that is starting school soon– best of luck for a new school year!


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08/23/2010 8:57 pm

Have a wonderful time as a senior Jane!

08/23/2010 9:44 am

Well, good luck, Jane in this your last year of college. I know from past experience that universities usually begin earlier than the public school system. That’s why I was a bit surprised that your area’s system begins so early. Here in Michigan, there is a state law that’s been effective for a few years now that school does not begin until after Labor Day. So it’s a couple more weeks to that time. But then we probably go on into June longer.