Starting to Explore Australian Romance

I have read several comments by different overseas authors that U.S. publishers advise them that they must sanitize their books to remove language and settings that make them uniquely different. Just recently, Sarah Mayberry in her interview here stated “Australian writers are constantly being told by the big mainstream publishers that U.S. and U.K. audiences don’t want to read about Australian heroes and heroines and settings.” Well, for me that is completely wrong. It is no secret that I love to do armchair traveling by reading books that incorporate the author’s native colloquialisms, dialect, or traditions. I read numerous Canadian, Australian and British authors.

Over the holidays, I ended up picking up two books by Australian authors. The first book, Sex, Lies and Bonsai is by Lisa Walker. Last year I read her first book, Liar Bird, and loved its quirkiness (sadly, Liar Bird is no longer showing as available on Amazon US, though it’s in the Amazon UK catalog). While Sex, Lies, and Bonsai didn’t work as well for me, it has some great Australian and surf atmosphere.

Edie always knew that her boyfriend would dump her. It was impossible to keep up her pretense of being a self-confident and assured woman 24/7. And of course once she and Daniel started living together he saw through her façade. She was just waiting for the other shoe to fall. Now that it has, she is back home, living with her surf champion father and his girlfriend Rochelle. Determine to be the woman that Daniel wants, she embarks on a self- improvement program with the dubious help of Sally, her best friend and self-proclaimed life coach.

Along the way, she takes a job drawing crab larvae and develops a crush on her married boss, leading to the discovery of her talent for writing erotica. Still when Rochelle’s brother, Jay, comes to visit, she feels a connection to him that she never felt before. He truly sees her and accepts her as she is. But he has his own issues.

Individually the erotica, and Sally’s attempt to have Edie break out of her shell are very humorous. But together they lose impact. Edie’s low self-esteem and negative self-talk became monotonous and I just wanted to tell her to snap out of it. But then I am not much into heroines with low self-esteem. One of my favorite parts is the surf aspect of the book, especially Edie’s interaction with a young surfer. Even though there’s a definite plus on setting, the story wasn’t truly engaging. My overall grade is C+.

The second book is by a new to me author, Loretta Hill, and the book is The Girl in the Hard Hat. Wendy Hopkins by happenstance discovers that her father is not her biological father when she requests a copy of her birth certificate. Now the reason she was sent away to a boarding school at age six is crystal clear. Her parents refuse to give her the name of her father, and even claim that since it happened so long ago, they have forgotten the details. Finally after badgering her mother, she gives Wendy a general description and discloses that her father lost a couple of toes on his right foot while working as a welder. Narrowing her search down to Western Australia, Wendy comes to Pilbara and runs into her father’s brother. Her uncle is the black sheep of the family but surprisingly he offers to help her find work. However, when she arrives on the job site she is appalled to discover her uncle used blackmail to get her a job as a safety manager. Still things do work out when she is hired on by a subcontractor.

Safety Managers are not the most popular people to begin with, and once Wendy rats out her drunken boss, and gets him fired, she earns herself unfavorable reputation. Wendy plans to keep to herself. She is unwilling to share her true motives for being in this part of the country. However, Gavin Jones, one of the engineers with a reputation as a womanizer takes an interest in her and if she is honest, she finds him very appealing too. The romance is not front and center. It shares the spotlight with Wendy’s search for her father, Gavin’s secret, and the challenges of a woman working in a predominantly male field. And speaking of predominantly male field, the attitudes, actions and dialogue seem authentic. The language and setting are a big plus because they set that book apart for this American reader. I did like the characters and the plot, but my grade still wavered between a B- and C+, as that almost $26.00 price tag seems very expensive for an unique setting.

Neither of the Australian books I’ve tried recently have been DIKs but I still really enjoyed doing some virtual traveling and I’m sure that I’ll keep trying it. Despite what some authors have reported hearing from American publishers, I enjoy reading the things that make cultures unique and different.

What Australian, Canadian, United Kingdom , or other non-American authors do you read? Are publishers in the U.S. right – is there little appeal for books with a foreign flavor or do you seek them out? Have you read any of these books or authors that I tried? If so what did you think?

– Leigh Davis


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01/30/2013 1:33 am

Marian Lennox has some Australian settings, and Susan Napier writes New Zealand books. Both are series-length. I can’t think of any books with full-length Australian settings except for an excellent science fiction novel with a strong romance plot called The Outback Stars by Sandra McDonald.

Tyrell Kibbe
Tyrell Kibbe
01/26/2013 11:44 am

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01/22/2013 10:46 am

I just read an amazing steampunk/paranormal by an Australian Bec Mcmaster called Kiss of Steel. It was a totally original take on steampunk with vampires and werewoves- but no annoying fated mates! I literally could not stop reading it. From her website, it seemed like it was her 1st book and if so, an impressive debut.

kam lin
kam lin
01/18/2013 10:16 am

i enjoy this author denise rossetti…. her books are romance/erotica combination…works for me.. try it…

maggie b.
maggie b.
01/16/2013 9:38 am

Back in the old days, Australia used to be a popular setting for books. I can remember one called Outback Wife that was a favorite. I think readers would thoroughly enjoy the Australian setting.

01/16/2013 5:34 am

What a load of twaddle on behalf of the publishers. And an insult to American readers.
Some of my favourite authors are Australian – Kelly Hunter, Natalie Anderson, Miranda Lee. Emma Darcy etc.
I love reading about places all over the world.
Wish I could visit them!

01/15/2013 11:29 pm

I really enjoy reading books set in Australia, through virtually all I’ve read have been category romances. They may not be exotic to Australians, but they are to me. I don’t know why publishers wouldn’t see that as a selling point. I admit that I had to find out what a “”singlet”” was the first time I saw it – but I was glad to have learned something.

01/15/2013 9:58 pm

There are still a lot of Australian romance writers but they don’t all use Australian settings, for instance Stephanie Laurens and Anne Gracie are both Australian but write European Historicals.

Bronwyn Parry writes Australian set romantic suspense. Keri Arthur is Australian and writes urban fantasy set in Melbourne.

Category romances authors include Ally Blake, Kelly Hunter, Emma Darcy, Lilian Darcy, Robyn Donald , Joan Kilby, Miranda Lee, and Valerie Parv.

I think perhaps what Sarah Mayberry is not even a move away from Australian settings, but homogenising them so that the language and cultural differences are smoothed over so that Sydney become indistinguishable from New York.

I know for instance American published books set in England always jar because there are different grammatical usages: someone from England is never going to say “I wrote my grandmother”, they use the preposition “to” so that it should read “I wrote to my grandmother” but usually in romance you only see the American construction.

Reply to  Yuri
01/15/2013 11:22 pm

I think what stand out to me more is the lack of definite article in non American books. Like I am going to hospital, instead of I am going to the hospital. Or she went to university instead of she went to the university.

01/15/2013 4:49 pm

Do publishers think Americans are so stupid we can’t figure out a few colloaquialisms in context?! Makes no sense, at all. I also remember reading many Australian, New Zealand snd Great Britian Mills and Boon in eighties. What happened?

01/15/2013 12:50 pm

I love reading books which are definitely set in a real place and have characteristic language and ways of life. I hate the homogenised American romance which could be set anywhere.

I’ms surprised that the very strong Australian romance scene which used to produce lots of books no longer does so (is that true?). I can find any number of old Mills & Boon Australian romances, and I love them.

Amy P.
Amy P.
01/15/2013 10:06 am

It makes me sad to hear that publishers are asking authors to do this. I buy books not because of where they are set but because of the story. And I love to read good stories set in a variety of places, countries, settings. That’s what keeps them interesting!

01/15/2013 9:46 am

I read reading books Australian, Canadian and UK authors. I do know the Australian books are usually more costly but sometimes I can find them less expensively at or

I have read books by Lisa Bird and Sarah Mayberry. I know I have read Canadian authors too but the only one who springs to mind first thing in the morning is Susanna Kearsley. I read tons of UK authors so my list would be really long.

And I don’t agree with US publishers that there is little appeal for books set in foreign places.

01/15/2013 8:44 am

Sorry… but “”American”” books have no place/time appeal. They could be set anywhere at anytime. They have their place but I like books that do place/time well.

I was thinking about what kinds of books appeal to me lately and looking at my favs shelf on goodreads that’s definately at the top of the list and the second is dialogue. Books heavy on dialogue and characters talking to each other and doing things.

On my goodreads page I do have a page for foreign mysteries but I haven’t done the same for romance etc.

Bev Pettersen – cdn horse racing
Julie Rowe – Carina Press author
Kristen Ashley’s ghost books but they are a combo of US/Brit speak and they really don’t have good place/time.
Sarah Mayberry – as you mentioned
Carole Matthew’s – With or without you
From Nottinghill with love actually – not a fav but it was free

That’s all I have a a quick glance.