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Eagerly Awaited November Books

someonetolove In looking over the list of November releases (already?!), one thing stands out – HISTORICALS.  Seriously, this looks like a big historical release month.  Favorites such as Mary Balogh, Elizabeth Hoyt, Sabrina Jeffries and Meredith Duran all have new releases. There are still plenty of contemporaries and other subgenres to go around, but if you’re looking to curl up and go on a trip through time this Thanksgiving, you’ve got options.

Someone to Love by Mary Balogh

A new book from this perennially popular author is always an event worthy of a note in my diary, and I’m intrigued by the prospect of a hero who is a bit of a departure from the norm – Caz

The brilliant Ms. Balogh has a new book out in a new series! That’s all I need to know about it before I pick it up. – Keira

This is being described as ‘typical Balogh’ and I can only imagine that’s a good thing! Anna Snow learns she’s not simply a teacher but actually a Lady on the death of her father – and soon must try to navigate romance and society at the same time. – Lisa

I am looking forward to this because it is a Mary Balogh book and I love her. –Maggie

Also eagerly awaited by Lee and Anne

danger-of-desire The Danger of Desire by Sabrina Jeffries

This is the third book in The Sinful Suitors series. There’re balls and gowns and then there’s cross-dressing and gambling and a heroine accomplished at all. A tale of revenge under the watchful eye of a delicious rakehell. Promises to be a rollicking adventure under the sure hand of Ms. Jeffries. – Keira

Ms. Jeffries has the ability to create a fantastic series and her heroines are typically interesting, strong women. The Danger of Desire is the third addition to her Sinful Suitors and features the “heroine disguised as a man” trope, which I thoroughly enjoy. I have high expectations for this book. – Janet

Ms. Jeffries has not let me down yet. – Kristen

Also eagerly awaited by Anne and Caz

dukeofpleasureDuke of Pleasure by Elizabeth Hoyt

Every Maiden Lane book is worth reading. – Dabney

I’m a little behind in the Maiden Lane series but I’ve really enjoyed the ones I’ve read and I’m looking forward to this newest entry! – Maria Rose

Elizabeth Hoyt’s Maiden Lane series is one of my most favorite historical romance series. I have been anxious to discover Alf’s story since she was featured in previous books. She grew up in St. Gile’s and has always disguised herself as a boy. She’s independent and resourceful, and I can’t wait to see her with the Duke of Kyle, Hugh Fitzroy. – Janet

What can I say? Elizabeth Hoyt. Maiden Lane. Street-urchin Alf finally gets her man in a rags-to-riches story that is sure to feature superb writing, and characterisation and steamy love scenes. – Caz

 The Viscount and the Vixen by Lorraine Heatviscountandvixenh

Yay, I love LH; she an auto-buy for me and her latest sounds very intriguing. – Lisa

I have become a fan of Ms. Heath’s over the past couple of years, and all her recent books have received high grades. The last book in her Hellions of Havisham Hall series (The Earl Takes All) got a straight A from me, so I’m looking forward to another fabulously romantic read – Caz

Also eagerly awaited by Janet


onehotdecember One Hot December by Tiffany Reisz

I’ve been a fan of Reisz’ writing since she debuted with The Siren. This series is lighter and very different in tone, and I’ve had fun reading so far.- Lynn

I really enjoyed Her Halloween Treat, so I anticipate this one also being a sexy romantic comedy.- Maria Rose



daredoctorThe Dare and the Doctor by Kate Noble

This is the third book in the Winner Takes All series. I’ve found Ms. Noble to be a creative and fun author to read. – Lee

Kate Noble’s intelligently written, gently moving stories are extremely satisfying, and the other books in her Winner Takes All series have impressed me greatly. I’m hoping for more of the same with this one. – Caz


sweetest-regretSweetest Regret by Meredith Duran

I’ll read anything Meredith Duran writes and so until her next novel comes out in February, I’m going to re-read Sweetest Regret, the novella she’s releasing this month. (It was released in anthology earlier but it’s still Meredith Duran!) – Dabney

Also eagerly awaited by Lynn



 wrongforme Wrong for Me by Jackie Ashenden

I really enjoyed the first book in Jackie Ashenden’s Motor City Royals series, Dirty for Me;therefore, I am highly anticipating Levi and Rachel’s story in Wrong for Me. Levi was sent to prison for protecting Rachel, but the true circumstances are a mystery. He is released after eight years, returns home to Detroit and has a bone to pick with Rachel. This plot might normally be too dark for me, but Ms. Ashenden has a talent for writing darker subject matter without it being overwhelming. Somehow, she makes tortured and angsty romantic. – Janet

governesssecretbabyThe Governess’s Secret Baby by Janice Preston

Despite the title (oh dear cod), I want to read this one. You’ve got a hero who was scarred in a fire and retreated to his country estate. On top of that, when he lost his sister and brother-in-law in an accident, he became the guardian for their adopted daughter, Clara. Nathaniel hires a governess, Grace, to look after Clara. Little does he know that Grace is Clara’s birth mother, who wanted to see her daughter. – Anne



The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon

Ms. Yoon’s debut Everything, Everything was one of my top novels of 2015, so I’m anxious to get my hands on her follow-up! – Kristen



mycowboyfreedomMy Cowboy Freedom by Z.A. Maxfield

Unusual cowboy series from another reliable author with a good back catalogue. This is the fourth in the My Cowboy series, revisiting the Rocking C Ranch. – BJ




portrait-of-emilyprice A Portrait of Emily Price by Katherine Reay

After reading The Bronte Plot and loving it both for the homage to classic literature and the fantastic character development, I cannot wait to get my hands on Reay’s newest novel.  – Lynn



heartlessHeartless by Marissa Meyer

I loved Meyer’s Lunar Chronicles series and I am a big fan of Alice in Wonderland so I am very interested to see what she does with this prequel to show the past of the Queen of Hearts. It makes me a bit nervous because Alice retellings rarely rate high for me, but Meyer is a talented writer and I’m hoping she will bring a unique and imaginative spin to this familiar villain. –Haley


allinpieces All in Pieces by Suzanne Young

Suzanne Young is moving from dystopia with psychiatric twists (The Program series) to realistic YA fiction in this novel about Savannah, a heroine who is forced to take care of a younger brother with special needs when their parents fail to do their part. Is it any wonder Savannah has “anger management issues”? It has good reviews from Booklist, School Library Journal, and even Kirkus, and the reviews agree that the voice of this heroine is authentic. – Anne

wildatwhiskeycreekWild at Whiskey Creek by Julie Anne Long

I’ve just about gotten over the tragedy that is Julie Anne Long no longer writing historical romance. So, I’m excited to read Wild at Whiskey Creek, the second in her contemporary series Hellcat Canyon. – Dabney



flamebearer The Flame Bearer by Bernard Cornwell

A medieval historical adventure story by Mr. Cornwell is not to be missed. I have greatly enjoyed his Saxon Tales series with the fabulous Uhtred.- Keira




going-deepGoing Deep by Anne Calhoun

Book 5 in the Alpha Ops series looks to be a bodyguard type romance, and I’m curious how it will compare to the other stories in the series. – Maria Rose

I always enjoy Ms. Calhoun’s work and this series has been working for me. – Dabney




chemistThe Chemist by Stephenie Meyer

I am looking forward to this because…curious? I actually like Ms. Meyer’s writing and have enjoyed all of her books. I’m curious to see what she does now that she is away from the whole Twilight phenom.- Maggie



wrongtwinRomancing the Wrong Twin by Clare London

Looking forward to this standalone novel by Clare London. This author is very English in her humour and dry observations. Loved her recent novella series With a Kick about an ice cream parlour in Soho and am looking forward to this romantic full length novel. – BJ



deathcomefairDeath Comes to the Fair by Catherine Lloyd

I read one of the books in this series late last year and then quickly borrowed the others from the library. This small village seems to have quite a lot of crime but the two main characters are always looking for the culprits. – Lee



marriedforhisconvenienceMarried for His Convenience by Eleanor Webster

Sebastian, Earl of Langford is no longer in love with romance because his late wife had an affair, leaving him with a daughter who won’t talk. He needs a convenient wife who can also be a governess. (I know — sigh.) The plain Sarah Martin fits his bill — with illegitimacy in her background, she never expected to marry well. – Anne


impressamarquessHow to Impress a Marquess by Susanna Ives

The premise sounds incredibly charming. – Lisa


Tell us in the comments what books you’re looking forward to reading next month!


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Amanda (RichMissTallant)
Amanda (RichMissTallant)
10/26/2016 8:38 pm

Good news! JAL said on Twitter she’s not done with historicals forever. :)

Dabney Grinnan
Dabney Grinnan
Reply to  Amanda (RichMissTallant)
10/27/2016 9:18 am

Did she say anything more?

Reply to  Amanda (RichMissTallant)
10/27/2016 3:51 pm

That’s what I suspected. Thanks for posting this, Amanda!

10/25/2016 10:43 pm

Looking forward to the new Hoyt and Jeffries, along with Meredith Duran’s. Historicals are my favorite, so I’m disappointed that Julie Anne Long has switched to contemporary romance.

Dabney Grinnan
Dabney Grinnan
Reply to  Kate
10/26/2016 4:32 pm

That is breaking my heart as well. I do like her second contemp more than I did the first but it’s not Pennyroyal Green. :(

10/25/2016 8:27 pm

Also, has Julie Anne Long actually said that she is no longer writing historical romances? I thought perhaps she was just branching out to write contemporaries too, but I may have missed the news that she isn’t returning to historicals. I do think, for what it’s worth, that has a good writing voice for contemporaries.

Amanda (RichMissTallant)
Amanda (RichMissTallant)
Reply to  Blackjack1
10/26/2016 3:26 pm

I must have missed this, too! I thought she was taking a break after writing such a long historical series. That would be a shame.

Not all authors can transition between genres so I’m happy to see that (so far) it’s working out for her.

10/25/2016 8:22 pm

I’m looking forward to reading Meredith Duran’s _Sweetest Regret_ as well as Julie Anne Long’s _Wild at Whiskey Creek_. The first book in Long’s contemporary series was really good, and the previews of this second one were very appealing to me. They both though come out at the end of November, and so these are more likely to be December reads for me.

Amanda (RichMissTallant)
Amanda (RichMissTallant)
10/25/2016 12:12 pm

I’m so excited about the books coming out in November that I may die from happiness!!

Most anticipated for me:

Wild At Whiskey Creek

Duke of Pleasure (I have to admit I think this series has gone on for long enough, but Duke of Sin was my favorite yet, and I’ll never NOT get excited about a new Hoyt!)

Miracle on 5th Avenue by Sarah Morgan – already released in the UK but US readers have to wait until November. This has been such a great series so far!

One Hot December – I still need to read book 2 but the first book was one of my favorite recent reads!

Em Wittmann
Em Wittmann
10/24/2016 7:21 pm

I can’t wait for the Hoyt, Noble & Heath books! I’m also a big Meredith Duran fan & plan to read this re-release as well. I can’t wait for something new from her.

10/24/2016 6:31 pm

Maggie – I’m curious about the new Meyer too. I thought Twilight was fine and quite fun at times, but her The Host was a really interesting and dark dystopia and I hardly ever hear anybody bring it up. I think she has it in her not to be a one hit wonder.

Reply to  Lisa
10/25/2016 11:02 am

Different Meyer. This is Marissa, Twilght was by Stephanie Meyer

Anne Marble AAR
Anne Marble AAR
Reply to  HelenB
10/25/2016 1:21 pm

Both Marissa Meyer and Stephenie Meyer have books coming out this month! I think it’s a conspiracy to confuse us. :) They seem to be keeping information on the Stephenie Meyer book under wraps. :(

Maggie Boyd
Maggie Boyd
Reply to  Lisa
10/25/2016 5:14 pm

I liked Host as well and thought the book was an intriguing look at an Invasion of the Body Snatchers style universe. I’m going to buy and read the Chemist on November 8. That and the Balogh should provide a fantastic distraction from the election news :-)

Reply to  Maggie Boyd
10/27/2016 11:12 am

I didn’t get beyond Twilight in that series (and that just barely) but I really loved The Host, so I’m really curious about The Chemist as well.