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[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xaay2WqCaFU

In my family I am considered an aberration in regards to holiday decorating.  My grandmother, mother and her two sisters all loved putting some type of knick-knack on every available space.  They had always been decorating fanatics, but after they discovered Department 56’s Villages lighted porcelain houses, there was no stopping them.  It wasn’t enough to buy the houses, they then had to have trees, and people, and props for the people.  And of course the houses couldn’t set on just plain surfaces – they had to create a snowy effect by using white felt cloth or Styrofoam. 

They weren’t together during the holidays often since two lived in Arkansas and two lived in Arizona, but honestly when they were it was never too early to bring out the decorations.  Once they actually decorated right after taking down the Halloween doodads. I kidded them all the time that they were like young girls playing dolls. Luckily my input wasn’t required and most of it was finished by the time I arrived from work.  I have great memories of me making fun of them and their toys, and them despairing over my missing holiday decorating gene.

In my defense I do some.  And normally by this time of year I have it out. However, this year the holiday has snuck up on me and the only thing that I have done is change the mode on my fairy type solar outdoor lamps, so now they twinkle colors instead of just shining white. Decorating the outside usually consists of tying big red bows on my fence posts and changing the tin door decoration from a large sun to a snowman. Decorating inside consists of putting up come cloth hangings, bringing out some candles and a few bric-a-brac .

I am going to do better, and better late than never right? Decking the halls is on my to-do list for tomorrow. Sometimes it is a little difficult to get all excited about all this additional work, but kids and their wonder about the holidays make it all worthwhile, like the video below.


And even though it has been decades since I was that young, I still remember feeling the magic about this time of year. Do you have decorations out and if so, how much?  If you haven’t done any yet, are you planning to do so?

-Leigh AAR[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]


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Eduardo Seeton
Eduardo Seeton
01/05/2012 3:03 am

Bodie is NOT seven miles south of Bridgeport — the turn-off to Bodie is seven miles south. Then you have to drive another twelve miles east to get to Bodie. buy Tera gold

12/16/2011 10:44 am

I have my Christmas cards on the window sill at home but that’s it. Too lazy to drag out the Christmas tree from the closet. ;) But I do have lights up at work (which I put up every year) and they add quite the sparkle to the dark days of late fall/early winter.

maggie b.
maggie b.
12/16/2011 10:26 am

This is my second year of not doing a whole lot. I have three wreaths up, a tree up, stockings on the fireplace and a few little decorations on the mantle. That’s it. Nothing in the kitchen or bathrooms. Guess the season just snuck up on me but honestly, I can’t seem to get in the spirit.

12/16/2011 9:05 am

This year has been the least I’ve decorated for Christmas. I have a 4-ft tabletop tree that comes up from the basement with decorations and lights intact. The nativity scene is put together under the tree. I have a couple of additional lighted ceramic trees, a lighted wreath in the window and that’s about it. I think it took me about an hour or so to set it all up and we were good to go. As I get older, I don’t feel the need for lighted strands enveloping the pass-thru opening between the kitchen and living room nor the window frames. I’m content with the little I have up and it’s warm and cozy when the regular lights are off. Less is more and all that kind of stuff. It’s definitely not bah-humbug, but enough for me to enjoy it.