Walk on the Wilder Side by Serena Bell is 3.99

Brody is the second of five absurdly sexy brothers who live in the small town Rush Creek, Oregon where they run, with their sister’s help, Wilder Adventures, an outdoor adventure outfit trying to stay in the black. Unlike his uber responsible older brother Gabe–his story is told in book one, Make Me Wilder–Brody known as the family f*ckup. After the Wilders’ dad died when Brody was 15, he began acting out, ultimately dropping out of high school, and repeatedly letting his family down. Now, however, at 29, Brody is over being the town’s bad boy, he’s sick of being “the resident bad boy,” sick of being a guy that all women want from is “to lick my tattoos and ride on my bike and get fucked against a brick wall.”
Brody’s best friend Connor has been there for him through all of Brody’s mistakes and Brody would never do anything to betray him. However, when Rachel Perez, Connor’s little sister comes to Rush Creek to stay for a few weeks while their mom recovers from a broken foot, Brody, despite being told by Connor to leave her alone, finds he just can’t….
Bell is one of my favorite contemporary romance writers in no small part because she can take tried and true tropes and make them feel fresh, funny, and real. Brody and Rachel–and the way they are together–feel genuine as do the family tensions and affections in both the Wilder and the Perez clans. The two become the people they long to be not through the magic of hot sex or another’s adoration but through work, honest and often difficult conversations, and a great deal of effort. I so enjoyed watching them blossom.
Walk on the Wilder Side is a steamy, sweet love story with depth. The sex scenes are plentiful and smokin’ hot AND deepen the connection between the leads. The Wilder family is a joy to read about and I am down to experience all their love stories the next of which, Wilder with You, comes out in April of 2022. I recommend this one highly!