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Dashing All the Way–A Guest Post and Giveaway

Best-selling and critically acclaimed historical romance authors Celeste Bradley, Eva Devon, Elizabeth Essex and Heather Snow heat up this Christmas with four never-before-released novellas guaranteed to make your holiday season merry and bright.

Today they give us a behind-the-scenes look at what inspired their new Christmas anthology, Dashing All the Way.

Elizabeth Essex:

“Welcome, and thank you for joining us at AAR today. We’re happy to be here to share how our anthology came to be. Last Christmas I had a blessed break in my writing schedule, and actually got to enjoy all the things I love about the holiday season—decorating the house and tree, and baking cookies and pies while singing along to Christmas carols!

And right there in the middle of a chorus of “Jingle Bells,” I thought ‘I should write a Christmas novella while I’m in the Christmas spirit, rather than waiting until next July! And I should call it “Dashing All the Way,” because then I can write a dashing sort of hero, just the way I like.’

I was pretty excited about the idea, but as “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” echoed though the house, another thought struck: What would be better than one Christmas novella? Why four, of course! And each author could take Dasher, Dancer, Prancer or Vixen as inspiration. Now, I just had to find the right people to join me…”

Celeste Bradley:

“Just after the holidays, I wrote Elizabeth that I wanted to do a project together, and she suggested the anthology. When I heard the amazing concept of stories inspired by the reindeer names, my hand shot up. ‘I dibs Vixen!’ Many years ago, I had the idea of the Vixens of Vauxhall, a trio of jewel-thief sisters, daughters of Jackham, a member of my Liar’s Club series who had come to a bad end, and here was my chance to write about them!”

Elizabeth Essex:

“Celeste was in! Now I just needed to find two more amazing authors. I immediately thought of Heather, as we’d talked of working together many times over the years. Perhaps this would be the right book at the right time.”

Heather Snow:

“The moment Elizabeth called me with the idea, I knew it was fabulous. I also knew that the final author we needed to have with us was Eva Devon, who writes dashing heroes like no other. We got Eva on the line, who loved it just as much as the rest of us did, and Dashing All the Way was officially in the works!”

Eva Devon:

“I was thrilled to be involved in such a fun set of novellas, and couldn’t wait to get started on the theme of ‘Dasher’.

And who is more dashing than a rake, I ask you? No one! Anthony Basingstoke was the perfect hero for a holiday novella because while he never had any trouble with the ladies, it was going to take a Christmas miracle for him to find true love. You see, after witnessing his parents’ marriage devolve into pain and anger, Anthony vowed never to be swept away by passion. Only a very special woman could change his heart, someone very different than the ladies he was accustomed to. Clearly we needed a wallflower! Lady Evangeline Pennyworth charged onto the page, demanding he teach her how to be desirable so that she can catch a proper husband and leave the unkindness of her family behind. Anthony finds he is taken by this brave young innocent, and must decide if he will let the past rule his future or if he can choose love. I hope you enjoy the merry dance I led them on!”

Dasher = “A Rake For Christmas” by Eva Devon

Elizabeth Essex:

“As Eva was writing away on ‘Dasher’, I turned my brain to ‘Dancer.’ I had that image of the reindeer up on the rooftop, and immediately, a thief leapt across the gap between those imaginary rooftops, and my Dancer, Toby McTavish was born. But who would fall in love with an accomplished jewel thief? Who would be able to hold her own against such a formidable, self-possessed man? Not an ingenue, surely. And there she was, Caledonia Bowmont, my first widow. And since we were in the Christmas theme, why not a Merry Widow, at that? I have to say I adored writing an experienced heroine, who is old enough and confident enough to know her own mind, and savvy enough to go out and get it. And what she gets is Tobias McTavish, and even better, true love!”

Dancer = “Up On the Rooftops” by Elizabeth Essex

Heather Snow:

“When we first brain-stormed our theme, we considered changing ‘Prancer’ to something more dashing-like. After all, no one wants to see their big strong hero prancing around London like a dandiprat, do they?  We decided upon ‘Debonair’, so that is the initial inspiration I ran with.

Of course, me being me, it wasn’t a debonair hero that first came to mind, but a strong heroine in disguise, taking her brother’s place in the War Department in order to solve his murder. I love to write smart, science-loving heroines, so making Claire a gifted linguist and code-breaker was quite exciting to me! But who would be her hero, and how would he uncover her ruse? Immediately, I saw the scene—the man who had broken her heart six years ago would be appointed her new spymaster, and of course, he’d see right through her fine gentleman’s togs to the woman within. I got to give Lord Andrew Sedgewick quite a Christmas gift, too—a second chance to win back the love of the one woman he’d never been able to forget. Oh, and I even found a way to work in ‘Prancer’, but you’ll have to read the story to find out how… ;)”

Prancer = “The Very Debonair Lady Claire” by Heather Snow

Celeste Bradley:

“As I said, I called dibs on ‘Vixen’ early on! Not only did I get to finally bring the story of the Vixens to life, in Amie Jackham I found the perfect match to one of my favorite characters, Elliot from One Night with a Spy. (Royal Four #3)! Crown spy Lord Elliot Hughes is using a string of jewel thefts of the rich and reprehensible to dig around in a few strongboxes under the cover of the notorious Vixen. Miss Amethyst Jackham is doing the same, trying to feed her sisters and keep their destitute household going for just a little longer. The Jackham sisters worry about the law, but they are far more terrified of being discovered by the Liar’s Club! A spy and a thief collide in front of an open strongbox during a Christmas ball…”

Vixen = “A Liar Under the Mistletoe” by Celeste Bradley

We hope you’ve enjoyed learning how Dashing All the Way came to be! The limited time anthology is on sale now.

As our inspiration came from a couple of Christmas carols, we’d love to hear your favorite holiday tune and what memories or feelings it evokes when you hear it! Comment below. One lucky reader be entered to win a book of your choice from each of the four of us! Happiest of holidays!

Buy it at A/iB/BN/K



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Jennifer Bernard
Jennifer Bernard
11/29/2017 12:56 am

I love all the songs of Christmas and the entire holiday season. Mary did you know has to be my favorite though. I’m going crazy until I can read your new baby! Soon! Thank you for spreading love to all your readers.

Celeste Bradley
Celeste Bradley
Reply to  Jennifer Bernard
11/30/2017 2:39 am

Thanks, Jennifer! I love that carol. I hope you enjoy our Reindeer Song anthology! ;0)

Celeste Bradley
Celeste Bradley
11/28/2017 6:17 pm

Oh, I forgot about Doris Day! I’ve always loved her voice. Thanks for reminding me.

Amanda H.
Amanda H.
11/28/2017 1:41 pm

I was already excited for this anthology, so hearing the backstory makes it even more fun! Thanks for the inside scoop!

My favorite holiday song would have to be the entire Reader’s Digest Christmas album we had on tape in the 80s. My sister and I loved to tease our mom by playing “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus,” because she hated it and said it sounded like a drunken old man pretending to be a little girl. (The singer does indeed hiccup suspiciously. ^_^) But there were lots of good classic Bing, Doris Day, big band and operatic chorale carols on there too, so it covered all the holiday feels.

Also really love “Last Christmas” by George Michael–possibly the only Christmas song I can listen to year round! Happy Holidays everyone!

Heather Snow
Heather Snow
Reply to  Amanda H.
11/28/2017 9:00 pm

Something about the big band versions of Christmas carols just make the season for me! I was born in the wrong era…

11/28/2017 8:22 am

I love the carols that I sang as a kid.

Heather Snow
Heather Snow
Reply to  PatriciaM
11/28/2017 12:25 pm

I miss caroling! I wish we did more of that!

Celeste Bradley
Celeste Bradley
Reply to  PatriciaM
11/28/2017 6:15 pm

I still know the words to Good King Wenceslas! That was always the hardest but the best when we sang it a round!

Louise Risser
Louise Risser
11/28/2017 7:48 am

I love Here come Santa Claus, Oh Little Town of Bethlehem, oh Holy Night.

Heather Snow
Heather Snow
Reply to  Louise Risser
11/28/2017 12:26 pm

Frank Sinatra’s version is sublime!

Celeste Bradley
Celeste Bradley
Reply to  Louise Risser
11/28/2017 6:14 pm

I love those old songs. So heartwarming.

11/27/2017 5:19 pm

Oh my gosh! Heather. I have been waiting eons for a new historical from you. Celeste, too, I love your historicals. Eva and Elizabeth are new to me authors, but looking forward to this!

Songs…I grew up at my granny’s knee listening to sentimental, sob-educing WWII songs. My favourite, though, is Handel’s’ Messiah; I see it every year, preformed by my local orchestra. And when I see it performed this year, I will, as I always do, hope and pray that acceptance fills hearts.

Heather Snow
Heather Snow
Reply to  HBO
11/27/2017 9:12 pm

I’m so honored you’re looking forward to my story! I know, I know…I’m so slow with these little kiddos of mine! Sorry! But they’re getting old enough for me to squeeze in more writing time, so I’m hoping to release a new series in this new year. Cross your fingers that the Heir & the Spare cooperate!!!

You’ll love Celeste’s, Eva’s, and Elizabeth’s stories! They’re fab! Happy Holidays and Happy Reading!!!

Celeste Bradley
Celeste Bradley
Reply to  HBO
11/28/2017 6:13 pm

That’s so sweet. I’m so glad to have something new for you! And I’m glad you are going to try out my friends, too. So much great reading ahead for you!

11/27/2017 4:34 pm

My favourite is The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire), the Nat ‘King’ Cole version. I do really like Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas by Judy Garland (my mom was a big Judy Garland fan so I heard this every Christmas when I was young). Also, have a couple of uncommon Christmas song favourites: We need a Little Christmas by the Ray Coniff Singers (my daughter’s favourite) and I Yust Go Nuts at Christmas by Yogi Yorgesson.

Before I retired every year at Christmas I would create a trivia quiz for the staff party (prize was my homemade truffles) and one of my favourite questions was “In which movie did Judy Garland sing Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas? Bonus point: Who did she sing it to?” They never ever got it right!

Many, many moons ago I created a Christmas music tape with a great assortment of Christmas songs on it. I played it every December and when my daughter went off to university she had to have a copy – then she went off to England and I had to send her a new copy of the tape. We managed to progress to burning it on a cd, Still play it all through December (I refuse to have Christmas music before December 1st even though I love it).

Dashing All The Way sounds like the perfect book to read the week before Christmas!

Heather Snow
Heather Snow
Reply to  Lorraine
11/27/2017 9:09 pm

I, too, made mix takes/CD’s of favorite carols for my mom…one of my Nana’s (her mom’s) favorite traditional hymns (hand bell choirs, Mormon Tabernacle, etc.) that we play every year to remember Christmases at her house, and one of more modern fun carols!

Celeste Bradley
Celeste Bradley
Reply to  Lorraine
11/28/2017 6:10 pm

I make playlists now, but yes!

11/27/2017 4:33 pm

Merry Christmas Darling

Heather Snow
Heather Snow
Reply to  anon1001
11/27/2017 9:07 pm

The bad (or good!) thing about asking for people’s favorite carols is that now I have them all running through my head!

Celeste Bradley
Celeste Bradley
Reply to  Heather Snow
11/28/2017 6:09 pm

I know, right?!? Gotta make a new playlist!

Joanna M
Joanna M
11/27/2017 3:59 pm

Joy! I love all the inspirations. I love All I want for Christmas by Mariah Carey and Oh, Holly Night by Josh Groban.

Heather Snow
Heather Snow
Reply to  Joanna M
11/27/2017 9:06 pm

Great songs, both :) Happy Holidays!

Celeste Bradley
Celeste Bradley
Reply to  Joanna M
11/28/2017 6:08 pm

All I Want is my holiday baking song!

11/27/2017 3:48 pm

Love hearing about the inspiration behind this anthology! It’s fun to hear about how a book comes together. I guess my favorite Christmas song is White Christmas. I love the song, but I LOVE the entire movie. I have to watch it every year or it doesn’t feel like Christmas. The songs! The dancing! The costumes! Love it!

Heather Snow
Heather Snow
Reply to  Jessica
11/27/2017 9:05 pm

White Christmas IS fabulous! Have you seen Holiday Inn? It’s the precursor to WC, also starring Bing. Worth it if you haven’t!

Celeste Bradley
Celeste Bradley
Reply to  Jessica
11/28/2017 6:07 pm

Oh, that’s exactly what I need! It’s still warm in NM and I want to get my White Christmas on!

Elizabeth Essex
Elizabeth Essex
11/27/2017 11:13 am

I have to say that my particular favorites are wildly different: the Wessex Carol, which has a very old English vibe, and “Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas,” which Judy Garland sings in “Meet Me in St. Louis.” I tear up every time. :)

Celeste Bradley
Celeste Bradley
Reply to  Elizabeth Essex
11/28/2017 6:06 pm

Oh, it’s her VOICE. So beautiful!

11/27/2017 8:09 am

lovely.. enjoy christmas preparations Guys..

Elizabeth Essex
Elizabeth Essex
Reply to  Dolly
11/27/2017 11:12 am

Thanks, Dolly. You, too!!!

Celeste Bradley
Celeste Bradley
Reply to  Dolly
11/28/2017 6:05 pm

Thanks, Dolly. Have a wonderful holiday!

Heather Snow
Heather Snow
11/27/2017 12:53 am

Oooh, good ones! My favorites are O Come, O Come Emmanuel and O Holy Night…

Celeste Bradley
Celeste Bradley
Reply to  Heather Snow
11/28/2017 6:21 pm

Oh yeah. Love.

Celeste Bradley
Celeste Bradley
11/26/2017 5:33 pm

I wait all year for Ave Maria, Christmas Wrapping, and the Charlie Brown Christmas theme! ❄️

Elizabeth Essex
Elizabeth Essex
Reply to  Celeste Bradley
11/27/2017 11:11 am

That Charlie Brown Christmas theme is a favorite in the Essex abode for cooking and dancing around our kitchen!

Heather Snow
Heather Snow
11/26/2017 3:22 pm

Now I want to pull out my David Bowie/Bing Crosby version of Little Drummer Boy! Thanks for stopping by :)

Elizabeth Essex
Elizabeth Essex
Reply to  Heather Snow
11/27/2017 11:11 am

Haha!!!! :)

11/26/2017 3:16 pm

I’m looking forward to the anthology with several new to me authors.
White Christmas gets my vote.

Elizabeth Essex
Elizabeth Essex
Reply to  Kathy
11/27/2017 11:10 am

So glad you found us, Kathy! And I love White Christmas, too!

Celeste Bradley
Celeste Bradley
Reply to  Kathy
11/28/2017 6:20 pm

Love that song. I might never get one in Albuquerque!

11/26/2017 2:58 pm

Congratulations on the Christmas anthology. My favorite Christmas songs are All I Want for Christmas, Little Drummer Boy and O Holy Night.

Elizabeth Essex
Elizabeth Essex
Reply to  Kim
11/27/2017 11:09 am

Love these!!!

Celeste Bradley
Celeste Bradley
Reply to  Kim
11/28/2017 6:19 pm

Me too! Sigh, David Bowie and Bing Crosby…