Coming soon…. Round Two of the 2018 Top 100 Romances Poll

Round One of the 2018 Top 100 Romances poll is now closed! Thank you to the many many of you who participated! We had nearly 6,500 write-in votes, with 2400 unique books listed, and nearly 900 of those have multiple write-ins. Romancelandia has a lot of unique favorites! As you can imagine, that’s a lot to sort through to make sure every single one of those is counted correctly.

Later this week, we’ll open Round Two. You’ll be provided with the 250 books that received the most write-ins to vote on. You can choose however many you wish that you think belong in the Top 100.

Again, thanks for all your votes :) We’ve smashed the record from five years ago! You guys (and our hardworking staff) rock!


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Frankie Cashwell
Frankie Cashwell
04/24/2018 11:48 am

Good to know, I did not realize ANYTHNG qualified. I use Amazon all the time. Is there a quick link on your website? Other than clicking for a book after a review. Maybe post one on Home Page? I spend much more than my husband knows.

Frankie Cashwell
Frankie Cashwell
04/24/2018 8:12 am

I won’t know where to address this on your website, but I was reading some comments from Jan. from Dabney regarding financial concerns and longevity of AAR. Was this followed up? I love and trust you ladies. I make every effort to buy from you. Even search old reviews. Please direct me, but don’t consider stopping!

04/23/2018 11:23 am

I’m not surprised by the number of write in nominations. Thanks, btw for allowing us 10 slots.

Of the original 50, I had not read or had any desire to read at least half. Of the rest I had read, I would not have put about a third on any top romance list.

I’m very interested to know which write ins got multiple nominations.

Frankie Cashwell
Frankie Cashwell
04/23/2018 10:30 am

Do you mean write ins and original 50 for unlimited votes?