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Coming Soon… in June

It’s time to look ahead to see what books we’re most excited about reading in June. As usual, we’ve a wide variety of choices, although it seems there’s a bit of a consensus about our most looked-forward-to new releases, K.J. Charles’ An Unnatural Vice and Sarah MacLean’s The Day of the Duchess. What are YOU looking forward to reading next month?

An Unnatural Vice by K.J. Charles (June 6)

As a big fan of both K.J. Charles and the Victorian Sensation Fiction which has inspired this series, I can’t wait to read this story of the battle of wits between a former-lawyer-turned-journalist and the man he suspects of being a sham spiritualist. The author’s ability to imbue her stories with a strong sense of time and space is superb, and I do love a good enemies-to-lovers romance. – Caz

I loved An Unseen Attraction (book one​ in the Sins of the Cities series) and ​I ​was intrigued by the characters​ Ms. Charles​ introduced in it.  This time we get to know Nathaniel Roy, a journalist, as he seeks to uncover the shenanigans (he suspects) of a noted spiritualist.  This seems to be a recurring (and fascinating) theme in great books I’ve read recently AND it’s KJ Charles sooo… I have very high hopes for this middle book in the trilogy. – Em

K.J.Charles’ handling of Victorian London is so well done that you can feel the creepy chill of the fog that envelops that characters in her Sins in the Cities series. Suspenseful, page turning, and with flawed characters who still deserve a chance at love, An Unnatural Vice is not to be missed. – Maria Rose


The Day of the Duchess by Sarah Maclean (June 27)

I’ve been waiting for The Day of the Duchess ever since Sophie pushed the Duke of Haven into the fishpond in The Rogue Not Taken. I love a good, angsty second-chance romance, and this promises to be both. – Caz

The Scandal & Scoundrel series is terrific and I’m eagerly anticipating The Day of the Duchess. I think it’s VERY difficult to redeem a cheating husband, but if anyone can do it, Ms. Maclean can. Her books are always entertaining, witty and sexy – and I expect no less from this one. – Em

I have eagerly awaited Seraphina and Malcolm’s story since they was first introduced in the Scandal & Scoundrel series, and Ms. MacLean is one of my favorite historical romance writers. June 27th cannot get here fast enough. – Mary D.


On Point by Annabeth Albert (June 5)

I discovered Ms. Albert through The Off Duty series and I’ve very much enjoyed the first two books. On Point features already familiar characters transitioning from friends to lovers – a favorite trope of mine. Can’t wait! – Em

Military heroes are the theme in Annabeth Albert’s Out of Uniform series, and this one is a friends to lovers romance with both men being enlisted Navy SEALs. I’ve enjoyed several of her previous works including the Portland Heat series so I’m looking forward to reading this as well. – Maria Rose


Stay by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy (June 20)

I discovered the magic of this duo thanks to fellow staffer Emily and I am so happy I did. I don’t quite know what it is about hockey players that seem to work better than some other sports, but it just does and I can’t wait for this new one.- Kristen

This book was pre-ordered the minute the link went live! Book two of the WAGs series gives divorced dad Matt Erickson his chance at finding the kind of love that can withstand the ups and downs of the NHL season. This writing duo knows how to create a fun, sexy story and this one sounds like it will have both in spades.- Sara


The Pleasures of Passion by Sabrina Jeffries (June 20)

I’ve enjoyed this series and have been intrigued by the story running in the background of the duel which prompted the exile of the hero.  I’m a big fan of second-chance/lovers reunited stories, so am looking forward to this one (in spite of the heroine’s rather silly name!) – Caz

I’m a sucker for lovers reunited. The challenges this couple has faced in their past (him, exile after a duel and her, an unhappy marriage) make their road towards a happy ending together all the more compelling. – Sara


Every Last Lie by Mary Kubica (June 27)

I adored Ms. Kubica’s The Good Girl, but found Don’t You Cry lacking. I’m looking forward to seeing which side this book fall onto. A psychological thriller about a wife desperate for answers when her husband’s death goes from clear cut accident to maybe something else, I think this sounds like perfect beach reading.- Kristen

I loved Mary Kubica’s Pretty Baby, and Every Last Lie looks equally intriguing. It looks like just the kind of psychological thriller I love. I can’t wait to get my hands on it.- Shannon


I Knew You Were Trouble by Lauren Layne (June 13)

This is Lauren Layne – Do I need to say anything else? I have loved the entire Oxford series and can’t wait for this frenemies-to-lovers romance.- Mary D.

Ms. Layne is magic and I eagerly anticipate all of her new releases. This newest installment of the delightfully sexy Oxford series is no exception – especially since it’s about NIck the freelance writer. Yes, please. – Kristen


Silver Silence by Nalini Singh (June 13)

I’ve loved every one of her Psy-Changeling books and am always excited about reading them.- Maggie

Nalini Singh’s Psy/Changeling long-running paranormal romance series is one of my favorite of all time. The world and characters practically jump off the page, and I’m sure this latest installment in the series will bring me nothing but good things. Ms. Singh is starting a new story arc with this book, and I am so excited to see how things unfold. – Shannon


We’re also looking forward to …


The Marsh King’s Daughter by Karen Dionne (June 13)

It’s another one that might be the next The Girl on the Train and the next The Widow. Yet it seems very different because it’s about a heroine whose father was the notorious criminal who kidnapped her mother and held her captive in the wilderness. Her father has escaped prison, and Helena is the only one who can find him.


The Essex Serpent by Sarah Perry (June 6)

This is interesting because it’s classified as Gothic and Historical. There are so many possibilities! This could bring back memories of everything from Jane Eyre to Rebecca.


The Daughter of Sherlock Holmes by Leonard Goldberg (June 6)

This could be very interesting… We have books about young Sherlock Holmes, older Sherlock Holmes, and even modern day descendants of Holmes. So why not his daughter?



A Warriner to Rescue Her by Virginia Heath (June 20)

I enjoyed the first book in Ms. Heath’s new Wild Warriners series and was drawn to the enigmatic Jamie, a former soldier and (probably) spy who has returned to his family home after being invalided out of the army. Virginia Heath has rapidly become one of my favourite authors and I’ll read anything she writes.


Murder on Black Swan Lane by Andrea Penrose (June 27)

The first of a new historical mystery series set in Regency England, I’m intrigued by the pairing of a satirical cartoonist and an eccentric, scientifically minded earl. I’m always up for a good historical mystery and I have high hopes for this one.




A Touch of Frost by Jo Goodman (June 6)

Jo Goodman is one of the best historical romance writers out there and I love that her recent books have all been set in the US. A Touch of Frost is likely to be yet another top notch Western with a smart sexy hero and an independent complex heroine. I can’t wait!


The Lost and Found Sisters by Jill Shalvis (June 20)

I’m excited to read Ms. Shalvis’ first foray into women’s fiction. She’s certainly got the writing skills to pull off this slight change in genre. This story, about a woman who finds out that she’s not who she thought she was, sounds compelling and I’m interested to see how well Ms. Shalvis’ wit works outside of contemporary romance.


His Lordship’s True Lady by Grace Burrowes (June 13)

I always enjoy Ms. Burrowes’ work. This one is the fourth in her True Gentlemen series and is self-pubbed. The heroine and the hero are a bit older than the norm which I appreciate.



Sight Unseen:  A Collection of Five Anonymous Novellas  by Sherry Thomas, Meredith Duran, Emma Barry, Erin Satie and J.A.Rock (June 6)

Five novellas by five authors I already admire – could it get any better?  IT DOES!  Readers won’t know who penned which story until the first week of September, when all will be revealed. What do we know about the novellas?  Only that each author was challenged to move out of their comfort zone and try something new.  High fantasy, contemporary and mystery are all represented – but we don’t know if the stories are linked to each other or not.  My spies with early eyes on this say it’s excellent and they think they’ve guessed one or two.  I CAN’T WAIT for this collection and I LOVE this idea – I hope it’s a huge success and we get future mix-ups in the months ahead.



Beneath the Apple Leaves by Harmony Verna (June 27)

This is an historical novel set in 1914 about German immigrants settled in Pennsylvania even as anti-German sentiment is spreading everywhere with the outbreak of World War I. A tragic injury forces Andrew Houghton’s family to move from Pittsburgh to the countryside, but rural life is not as idyllic as they’d hoped. However, Lily Morton is a ray of sunshine in their life: bright and tough on the outside but intensely vulnerable on the inside. Andrew’s and Lily’s slowly-developing relationship is heartwarming to see.



Undaunted by Diana Palmer (June 30)

Diana Palmer does know how to do cowboy romances well, and this story of a millionaire who falls in love with the employee of his neighbor sounds like it’s right in the author’s wheelhouse.


The Café By the Sea by Jenny Colgan (June 27)

Colgan’s follow-up to The Bookshop on the Corner sounds like another homespun charmer. It features a woman who returns to her Scottish hometown and the embrace of her rowdy family. Though Flora’s resisted living in Mure, having experienced the swanky environs of London, she finds and falls in love with a rundown cafe and sets about restoring it.


The Darkest Promise by Gena Showalter (June 30)

A part of Showalter’s Lords of the Underworld series, this spicy tale features a woman possessed by the demon of misery – every time she experiences joy, her memory is wiped clean as a punishment. Enter Lazarus the Cruel and Unusual, a Warrior who was entirely transfixed by bloodshed until Cameo entered his life. Showalter is nothing if not creative, and this sounds like an interesting concept.



Heart on the Line by Karen Witemeyer (June 6)

I’m a long time fan of this author and own all her works. I’m sure this will be at least a B read for me, though I’m holding out hope for a DIK.


The Child by Fiona Barton (June 27)

I thought The Widow was good and I’m always on the lookout for a good mystery.


Maria Rose

The Wedding Date Bargain by Mira Lyn Kelly (June 6)

Having thoroughly enjoyed May the Best Man Win, the first in the Wedding Date series, I’m looking forward to this new release about a woman looking to rid herself of her virginity with an old college crush. Ms. Kelly has a deft touch with banter (my favorite!) and combines likable characters with laughs and emotional moments to create memorable romances.


A Most Unlikely Duke by Sophie Barnes (June 27)

Sophie Barnes is a new to me author, and this first entry in her new Diamonds in the Rough series definitely has me intrigued. It’s got a rags to riches story and a bit of a trope reversal with a female tutor instructing the new Duke on proper Ton behavior (and falling for him at the same time, of course). Sounds like a delightful read, I hope it lives up to my expectations!


Mary D.

Vanishing Act by A.M. Madden (June 20)

I discovered A.M. Madden this year, and Vanishing Act sounds very intriguing. A movie star who retreats to Hawaii and falls head over heels with a local woman? Sign me up.



The Highland Commander by Amy Jarecki (June 27)

I discovered this author by accident but fell in love with the first book in her Lords of the Highland series. This follow-up further explores the political shifts in the Highlands during the mid-18th Century and the price that some Scots paid for their loyalty to the wrong monarch. Add in a romance across a class divide and I’m already swooning.



The Sweetest Burn by Jeaniene Frost (June 27)

I’ve been waiting two years for this book to come out, and it’s almost here! I love everything Ms. Frost writes, and I’m sure this will be no exception.


The Ultimatum by Karen Robards (June 13)

I’m really excited to read this latest novel by Karen Robards. It looks incredibly action-packed, and the heroine seems super smart and resourceful. I’m hoping for something that will keep me reading late into the night.


What are you excited about for this month? Tell us in the comments below!


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Em Wittmann
Em Wittmann
05/25/2017 7:52 am

Hockey fans – I missed one! Avon Gale has Coach’s Challenge out at the end of June as well! I binged this series hard when I discovered it. Yay!

05/24/2017 8:13 am

The wonderful writing team Ilona Andrews has ” White Hot” ( book 2 in their Hidden Legacy series) coming out on May 30th.

Kendra Elliott has ” A Merciful Truth” coming out on June 6. Readers of romantic suspense and police procedural steps will enjoy her books.

The Jo Goodman sounds intriguing. The one book of hers I’ve read was very good.

Thank you Blackjack for the info re the new Ellen O’ Connell. I thought Without Words was one of the best books of 2014 so I look forward to this new novella.

05/24/2017 4:17 am

What a wonderful list! I just ordered Murder on Black Swan Lane…

Keira Soleore
Keira Soleore
05/23/2017 3:26 pm

Doh! How did I forget that Jo Goodman’s book’s out this month. I love her work!

05/23/2017 1:04 am

Hmm, I posted here earlier but my post seems to have vanished. Apologies if this post appears twice.

June looks to be a good reading month! I’m most looking forward to Jo Goodman’s _A Touch of Frost_. It’s been a while since I’ve read a new Goodman book and am looking forward to it. I’m also looking forward to Anne Calhoun’s _Turn Me Loose_, due out on May 30th, as well as Madeline Hunter’s _The Most Dangerous Duke in London_, also out on May 30th.

I’m considering the new Lauren Layne book as I liked Nick from his introduction in Lincoln’s story. I was not a huge fan of that one though but I’m willing to try Layne one more time. Also, I’m intrigued by _Murder on Black Swan Lake_. It would be kind of nice to come in to a mystery series at the beginning for a change. I’m also really interested in _Sight Unseen_ — basically any romance by Meredith Duran and Sherry Thomas is now an autobuy,

For those interested, Ellen O’Connell just self-published a novella entitled _Breaking the Rules_. It’s only available currently in her newsletter and on her website: http://www.oconnellauthor.com/

05/22/2017 9:39 pm

Lots of good stuff coming out in June. Here are my most anticipated:

The Most Dangerous Duke in London — Hunter is an author I’ve been meaning to read more of; I’ve only read a little bit of her backlog. But I need a book to get me out of my historical romance funk.

A Sky Full of Stars by Samantha Chase — in a rather mediocre series, Owen Shaughnessy has stood out in every book as a secondary character. I cannot wait for his story, finally!

I Knew You Were Trouble by Lauren Layne — possibly the least excited I’ve been for a LL book? I dunno, just felt like the series should’ve ended with Lincoln’s book. But I’ll read this, of course.

I had no idea about the anonymous anthology–that sounds super interesting!

05/22/2017 5:24 pm

Most looking forward to Jo Goodman’s _A Touch of Frost_. Also Madeline Hunter’s _The Most Dangerous Duke in London_ is out May 30th, as is Anne Calhoun’s new contemporary, _Turn Me Loose_.

I may try Lauren Layne’s _I Knew You Were Trouble_ and see if this one appeals to me more than the last Oxford book I read. Also, I definitely have my eye on _Murder on Black Swan Lane_ and am waiting to read reviews.

Also, for those interested in Ellen O’Connell has a novella out available only via her website and newsletter. _Breaking the Rules_ was released two weeks ago.

Reply to  Blackjack
05/22/2017 9:31 pm

Blackjack, do you like wedding planner books? Because I think Layne’s Wedding Belles series is her best, if the Oxford book didn’t work for you. But maybe there will be an Amazon sample available for it. I can keep an eye out :) Some authors just don’t click with readers, though!

Reply to  Amanda
05/24/2017 1:46 am

Thanks, Amanda. I’ll look at Layne’s other books, though generally I don’t like wedding planner books.

Jessica Peterson
Jessica Peterson
05/22/2017 4:46 pm

The new Sarah MacLean and Sarina Bowen/Elle Kennedy are automatic one-clicks for me – I don’t know if I love Regencies or hockey heroes more. I have to say I’m intrigued by THE ESSEX SERPENT, if only because the cover is so gorgeous – and who doesn’t love a good, sexy historical novel? Especially with echoes of REBECCA.

Em Wittmann
Em Wittmann
05/22/2017 9:35 am

I didn’t realize the new Bowen/Kennedy book is out next month. I just one-clicked so fast…well, really fast. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY.

Maria Rose
Maria Rose
Reply to  Em Wittmann
05/22/2017 10:34 am

I didn’t either! Definitely going to be on my list too!