
Caz’s Favourite Books of 2014

I’ve already nominated Courtney Milan’s The Suffragette ScandalTSS as my favourite book of 2014, but I was also very fortunate in having found quite a large number of new books which I really enjoyed – hence this column, because just choosing one book and leaving at that was just impossible!

For me, the biggest event – book-wise – of 2014 was the return of one of my all-time favourite authors, Stella Riley. Ms Riley wrote a handful of novels set in the 17th and 18th Centuries back in the 80s and 90s, and had finished the second book in a projected series of novels set during the English Civil War when she stopped writing and just… disappeared!

TKFOver the last couple of years, she has revised and republished all of her novels and this year, published the very long-awaited third book in her Civil War series, The King’s Falcon. The story follows the exiled King Charles II to Paris and focuses on Colonel Ashley Peverell, soldier, spy and doer of the king’s dirty work. While in Paris, Ashley becomes smitten with a talented young actress, and although he has nothing to offer her, their mutual attraction proves impossible to fight. The author’s attention to historical detail is fantastic, she creates the most wonderful romantic tension between her two leads while at the same time skilfully weaving together a number of different plot-threads which culminate in the uncovering of a nefarious scheme which could have potentially explosive consequences. It’s an absolute treat for fans of historical romantic fiction and I can’t recommend it highly enough.

It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of Grace Burrowes, who is, thankfully, an incredibly prolific writer and one who manages to sustain a very high quality of storytelling in her many books. In the summer, she published a trilogy of books under the collective title Captive Hearts, which told the interweaving stories of three men whose experiences of war had changed them profoundly.

TTMy favourite book of the three is The Traitor, which tells the story of a man who, by virtue of his being half-French and half-English, found himself on the wrong side during the Napoleonic wars. After the war and back in England, he’s a marked man who expects death almost daily – so how can he possibly allow himself to fall in love, and with his aunt’s young companion, of all people?

Two of my most eagerly awaited books of 2014 also make this list – Joanna Bourne’s Rogue Spy and Laura Andersen’s The Boleyn Reckoning. In each case, I found myself angrily cursing the long wait between the book I’d just finished and the next one – but the wait was worth it. The latter is the last in a trilogy that has a very interesting premise – supposing Anne Boleyn had given Henry VIII a son who had lived to succeed him? Ms Andersen TBRdoes a terrific job in all three books of juxtaposing the factual with the fictional, crafting a heartfelt and sometimes heart-breaking romance amid the myriad intrigues of the Tudor court. And Joanna Bourne’s Rogue Spy was every bit as good as I’d hoped – an enjoyably complex plot interwoven with a beautifully written romance. Thomas Paxton (Pax) is a terrific character – quiet, highly intelligent and deadly; there’s something incredibly sexy about a quietly competent hero!

NoaTSDeanna Raybourn’s Night of a Thousand Stars was one of those books I just KNEW was going to be a DIK from the moment I read the opening line: “I say, if you’re running away from your wedding, you’re going about it quite wrong.”

It’s a funny and exciting adventure story that moves from England to Damascus in the 1920s. Poppy March – niece of Lady Julia Brisbane from Ms Raybourn’s series of Victorian mysteries – finds herself unwittingly caught up in a fast-moving intrigue when she travels to the Middle East on the trail of a man she believes may be in need of help. It’s a truly joyous romp featuring an intrepid heroine and possibly the sexiest vicar in all of romantic fiction!

OEThe fourth book in Mary Balogh’s Survivors series is the best so far. Only Enchanting is a beautifully wrought and gently moving story of two emotionally wounded people trying to navigate their way through the issues that have shaped them in order to forge a lasting and loving relationship.

AGMAnna Lee Huber’s A Grave Matter, the third in her Lady Darby series, combines a carefully thought-out mystery with the continuing romance between the eponymous heroine and the gorgeous and enigmatic Sebastian Gage. Keira Darby has really grown as a character throughout the books, and I’m eagerly looking forward to the next instalment.

WtDWWIn spite of its rather clichéd title, I loved Lorraine Heath’s When the Duke Was Wicked. I’m a massive fan of “friends-to-lovers” stories, and this is one of the best I’ve read in a while. It’s a beautifully written and poignant story that packs a real emotional punch, and even though I had a couple of reservations, it’s still one of my favourite books of 2014.

FMTMeredith Duran has been an auto-buy author for me ever since I read her for the very first time, and her latest book, Fool Me Twice had me spellbound from start to finish. The story of a man so devastated by his wife’s faithlessness that he turns in on himself to find the very darkest places in his soul and the determined young woman who brings him back from the brink is not always an easy read, but it’s a completely gripping one.

Honourable mentions must also go to Loretta Chase’s Vixen in Velvet, full of wonderfully witty dialogue, engaging characters and a truly sensual romance; Juliana Gray’s ViVHow to School Your Scoundrel, because I’m a sucker for a bad-boy-made-good; Sarah MacLean’s terrific final installment in her Rules of Scoundrels series Never Judge a Lady by Her Cover,  and Katharine Ashe’s MlMlMy Lady, My Lord, a wonderfully refreshing and funny twist on the story of an antagonistic couple who have known each other for years and who need a nudge in the right direction from… well, I’ll leave you to discover that on your own if you haven’t read it yet!

AWtBWAs an audiobook fan, I’ve also been fortunate enough to listen to some truly wonderful books in the past year, too. Some have been new releases, but almost all my 2014 favourites are audiobooks of older titles which are new to the format. It’s difficult to choose just a few, but I’m going to pick another Joanna Bourne title, this time The Black Hawk, which is an exceptional story enhanced by a terrific performance from narrator, Kirsten Potter. Tessa Dare’s A Week to Be Wicked TBHis a wonderfully warm, funny and tender romance wrapped up from an engagingly memorable performance from Carolyn Morris. Georgette Heyer’s Venetia, is my all-time favourite book of hers, and the new audio version narrated by Phyllida Nash was another highlight of my listening year. Other favourites included Kate Readings superb narrations of Loretta Chase’s Dressmaker series, and Nicholas Boulton’s superlative performances in two Laura Kinsale titles – Lessons in French and Uncertain Magic.

I’ve had a really good year, both in terms of reading and listening – I hope you’ve been as lucky with your choices as I have, and here’s to an equally good 2015!


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01/10/2015 12:31 am

I have many of the same books on my “”best”” list for 2014, including The Suffragette Scandal, Rogue Spy, Night of a Thousand Stars, Fool Me Twice, and Vixen in Velvet. I really like Grace Burrowes but she writes so prolifically that I have trouble keeping up with them all. I’ll need to look closely at The Traitor. Also, I just started reading Huber’s The Anatomist’s Wife and really like it so far and so I can imagine that I will want to read A Grave Matter down the road. It most definitely has been a good year for historicals.
I would definitely agree with Kim that My Beautiful Enemy is right up there. I also loved Ellen O’Connell’s Without Words as well as Cecilia Grant’s A Christmas Gone Perfectly Wrong.

Reply to  Blackjack1
01/10/2015 6:34 am

I loved the Grant as well, but I decided to stick to full-length novels for this list. I do plan to read MBE when I can find time. I suspect it’s better in print than it was in audio.

Reply to  Caz
01/10/2015 5:16 pm

My Beautiful Enemy is the only book I read this year that actually made me cry. I’m a reader rather than listener and so I’m not sure if I would have had the same reaction from an audio book.

01/09/2015 1:24 pm

I enjoyed many of your 2014 Best Books. Fool Me Twice, Rogue Spy, When the Duke Was Wicked and Only Enchanting were very good books. I would add my Beautiful Enemy by Sherry Thomas to your list. The latter really needs to be read after The Hidden Blade to really appreciate the growth of the characters.

I didn’t enjoy Night of a Thousand Stars as much as you did. I thought it had great potential, but in the end, missed the mark. Once Poppy learned of Sebastian’s past and his reasons for being in Damascus, her lack of faith in his abilities went on far too long.

Reply to  Kim
01/09/2015 3:03 pm

I’m a huge Sherry Thomas fan, but I have yet to read MBE. I have, however reviewed the audio version (which should appear here soon) and I admit to being a little disappointed. I did, however, manage to catch up with her YA series, which us excellent.

Dot Salvagin
Dot Salvagin
01/09/2015 12:34 pm

Caz, so many of your faves of 2014 match mine that I was patting myself on the back for picking the same as one of my favorite fellow reviewers. I too, loved the Grace Burrowes Captive Hearts series but I picked THE CAPTIVE, book#1, as my fave although I was truly impressed by the originality of THE TRAITOR, book#2. I’ve had the Deanna Raybourn book sitting on my TBR pile and you have given me the push I needed to move it to the top. I will definitely put the Andersen Boleyn trilogy on my must read list. Thanks a bunch for some recommendations.

Caz Owens
Caz Owens
Reply to  Dot Salvagin
01/09/2015 12:58 pm

Self-congratulation is never a bad thing! ;) The whole Captive Hearts trilogy was wonderful, so it’s not really possible to go wrong with any of them, is it?

Reading the Raybourn was like being on a rollercoaster ride – I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

01/09/2015 11:40 am

I really enjoy your reviews, Caz. I am a big reader of historical romance and your taste is similar to mine. Loved your list and now have a few new titles to add to my wish list and a few to bump up on my TBR list. I so agree w/your inclusion of Grace Burrowes on your list. She’s one of my favorites. So far I have only read the first book in the Captive Hearts series and am anxious to get at the others.

Caz Owens
Caz Owens
Reply to  Tinabelle
01/09/2015 12:55 pm

Thank you :) I really hope you enjoy whatever you’ve chosen. It’s been a pretty good year for historicals on the whole, and I had to leave some out, but I’m pleased there is some inspiration there for you.

Rachel Donnelly
Rachel Donnelly
01/09/2015 10:19 am

I love the title ‘A week to be wicked.’

Reply to  Rachel Donnelly
01/09/2015 11:08 am

Well, the book’s pretty damn good, too! :)

01/09/2015 9:49 am

Lots of books I’ve read and some I haven’t but will now check out. Thanks Caz!

Reply to  LeeB.
01/09/2015 11:07 am

There was a really good run of historicals last year, which was great! Fingers crossed 2015 is as good.

01/09/2015 9:27 am

I’ve enjoyed all of Stella Riley’s books, but especially her English Civil War series. I am so happy she’s writing and publishing again. The King’s Falcon was one of my favorites this year, too.

Reply to  Eggletina
01/09/2015 11:04 am

I’ve been a big fan of Ms Riley’s since the 1980s so having all her books available digitally AND now, new books (there’s a new, Georgian romance coming soon) is such a treat!