Serious Series Addiction
I’m a romance reader who loves series books. Give me books for all the brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, pack mates, or even coven members and blood brothers an author can come up with; I’m good with’em…
I’m a romance reader who loves series books. Give me books for all the brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, pack mates, or even coven members and blood brothers an author can come up with; I’m good with’em…
Around this time of year, I start mentally preparing for AAR’s annual poll. I take stock of what I’ve read, what I should squeeze in before the deadline (I am always, always, reading up until the…
A few months ago Lynn did a post here calling for more romances set in Italy. Soon after, Jean wrote about her desire for more romances set in France. I heartily agree with both of those…
One of the best things about the holidays is that we all give in to indulgence of our Guilty Pleasures for weeks at time. Much chocolate and champagne consumption ensues – at least for this holiday-er….
This subject has been on my mind for a while, but two recent-ish blogs got me writing: Joanna Bourne’s musings on the topic, and Lynn’s request for Italian-set romance novels. See, I love France. I love…
This summer I had quite the shock when I discovered that my son’s peers could actually influence his reading choices at the tender age of eight. Clothes were already an issue, but poor, naïve me didn’t…
When I submitted my entries for the 2007 Top 100 Romance Poll, my exposure to romance novels was still fairly limited. But in the past three years my reading has expanded in both breadth and depth,…
Disclaimer: This is a rant from a consumer’s point of view. No wait, a pissed off consumer’s point of view. Dear Publishers: As one of your very best customers who routinely buys multiple books each month,…
Each year AAR features a list of staff members’ buried treasures for the past year. In last year’s blog announcing our 2009 buried treasures, Lynn described them as “the books that we really liked this year…
Recently I came across the Castle books, thrillers ostensibly written by author Richard Castle, who is the hero of TV series Castle but in reality penned by a ghostwriter. I read that several chapters of the…