Coming Soon… October 2018
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Coming Soon… October 2018

Here we are, heading into the back end of the year with our regular monthly look at the books we’re most excited about reading over the coming weeks.  As usual, this is just a small selection…

Can we be BFFs? Or, ah, can I be you? (the TV version)
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Can we be BFFs? Or, ah, can I be you? (the TV version)

Jenna’s recent Laminate Freebie List post started a fair bit of discussion on the site and behind the scenes at AAR, and we began to discuss the possibility of making some other lists, and talking about…

“I couldn’t put it down…”  What was YOUR last unputdownable read?
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“I couldn’t put it down…” What was YOUR last unputdownable read?

The unputdownable read…  it’s kind of the holy grail of books, isn’t it? That book that hooks you in on the first page and doesn’t let you go until the last; the book you enjoy so…