The Best of 2018 – Caroline’s List
2018 was an unusual year for me in that I made a very aggressive effort to read books published this year. I deluded myself into thinking that with this hard work, by the time I got…
2018 was an unusual year for me in that I made a very aggressive effort to read books published this year. I deluded myself into thinking that with this hard work, by the time I got…
I picked several Jo Goodmans out of my thrift store sale bin, and while I loved the first (My Steadfast Heart), the sequel My Reckless Heart frustrated the hell out of me.
Incredibly, it’s time for the final Coming Soon of 2018! As always, the AAR team has had a good look around at the books being released over the next few weeks, and chosen the ones we’re…
I am one of those people who’s always playing catch-up in my reading. Every year, I frantically use the DIK Power Search and cram as many books in as I can before choosing my top reads…
Here we are, heading into the back end of the year with our regular monthly look at the books we’re most excited about reading over the coming weeks. As usual, this is just a small selection…
I came to tea early on in life after watching everyone around me drinking it for every occasion. Rise and shine: tea. Up too late in the night: tea.
Jenna’s recent Laminate Freebie List post started a fair bit of discussion on the site and behind the scenes at AAR, and we began to discuss the possibility of making some other lists, and talking about…
The Tropical Romance Book Club is my project to literally expand my reading horizons by trying books by authors from and set in countries between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. After reading One Night at…
Welcome back to the Tropical Romance Book Club! The idea for this series is – for me, and hopefully you readers too – to explore some books which tell love stories set in places we in…
Recently I watched, and was seriously hooked by, the Simon Reeve BBC documentaries Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn, in which he travels the world at each line of latitude to learn about issues in…