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Carrot Cup Cakes

At one of the places I work, all of the ladies are great cooks. Often when I go into work, there will be muffins or banana bread or lemon cake or brownies waiting on the counter in the back. And they are, invariably delicious. As I’m leaving for London soon, my last day at the shop is approaching– and so I decided that this weekend, I’ll make my own contribution to the snacks.

As I’ve had a craving for carrot cake recently, I think I’ll make carrot cake cupcakes. I’ve never actually made carrot cake before, though my mom makes a really good one that my brother and I request for our birthdays. I’ve been searching online for a good recipe, but haven’t found one that seems quite right yet. I’ll probably combine a few recipes and make my own, but first I thought I’d ask the braintrust that is AAR’s readers. DO any of you have any helpful hints? Any particular recipes or tips?


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07/10/2009 4:21 pm

Jane, I haven’t made carrot cake in a long time, but I do have a couple hints. The shredded carrots you need for the cake…you can buy them in the store already shredded! Great time saver. When I made it I had to shred myself. One more…find a really good cream cheese frosting. I have a recipe marked on my laptop. I’ll be sure to give you the address when I get back. I think the frosting can make or break the cake. Sure…it’s filled with fat and calories, but what the heck! The one I make is really good.