Tweet Cute by Emma Lord

Tweet Cute by Emma Lord

I enjoy hanging out on Twitter, but I’ve also seen more than a few kerfuffles and outright flame wars going on there. That’s part of why Tweet Cute appealed to me. I was lucky enough to win an ARC on Goodreads, and this tale of love and social media was adorable. It was definitely a…

The Furies by Katie Lowe

The Furies by Katie Lowe

I love books about secret societies, so I was beyond excited to get my hands on a copy of Katie Lowe’s début novel The Furies. It takes place at an elite New England boarding school, and chronicles one girl’s quest to be accepted by the other students. Unfortunately, the execution of the story did not…

Forget Tomorrow by Pintip Dunn

Forget Tomorrow by Pintip Dunn

YA Dystopia is a crammed genre, but also one I truly love when it’s done well – and Forget Tomorrow blasts right past ‘well’ on its way to ‘brilliantly’. The best authors build originality within a genre framework (romance readers know this better than anyone!). Forget Tomorrow has the dystopian classics – the wicked urban…