Miranda and the Warrior

It’s evident from the opening page of Miranda and the Warrior that we are dealing with a TSTL heroine. Annoyed because her father is “overprotective,” Miranda Thurston escapes from the fort her daddy commands as a U.S. Cavalry officer in order to visit a friend. Daddy is worried about Cheyenne raiding parties, but Miranda knows…

The Phantom Tollbooth

I couldn’t have been more thrilled when my daughter’s fifth grade English class was assigned Norton Juster’s The Phantom Tollbooth. This wonderfully clever fantasy, illustrated by Jules Feiffer, was written in 1961 and I believe it’s never been out of print. I first read the book in junior high school on a friend’s recommendation and…

Catherine and the Pirate

Catherine and the Pirate is the first book I’ve read in Avon’s new True Romance line, a series of smaller historical romances aimed at teens. Since it’s been quite a few years (okay, I admit it, closing rapidly on two decades) since I was a teenager, I rather expected the novel to be too simple…

A Rose for Melinda

The young adult section of my library has scads of books by Lurlene McDaniel, and they go out all the time. So when I was given a chance to review her newest, A Rose for Melinda, I jumped at it. I was long overdue to read McDaniel, but I’d hesitated because her books always seem…

Gwyneth and the Thief

I am not a stickler for historical accuracy by any stretch of the imagination and I might have let the questionable plot points of this book slide by had the story been good enough. Alas, the plot was so reminiscent of an animated Disney movie that I kept waiting for little woodland animals to burst…

All American Girl by Meg Cabot

Books are keepers for many reasons. Some are intricately plotted. Some have fascinating, one-of-a-kind characters. Some are beautifully written with lush prose and thoughtful symbolism. And some just make you smile over and over until you sigh in happiness at the end. All-American Girl fits into the last category. We have another winner from Meg…

This Lullaby

This lullaby is only a few words A simple run of chords Quiet here in this spare room But you can hear it, hear it Wherever you may go I will let you down But this lullaby plays on. This Lullaby is the song that Remy’s father wrote for her when he found out she…