Gamer Girl

Gamer Girl is sort of your typical not-too-messed-up teenage girl from a newly broken family story with a hook – this girl goes online to get away from her life instead of doing drugs, drinking, cutting, or having sex. Maddy’s mom and dad have recently and rather abruptly split in the middle of the school…

Evernight by Claudia Gray

I think that Claudia Gray’s new young adult vampire series can’t help but be compared to Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series. Unfortunately, there were a couple of details that were too similar for comfort, but that’s pretty much where the likeness ends. And actually, those initial similarities were one reason I wanted to read this book…


No doubt most of you have heard of the immensely popular Twilight series, of which Eclipse is the third installment. My mother-in-law insisted that I read her copies and then pass them along to another of her daughters-in-law. As I started talking to more and more people about this series, it seemed that almost all…

Pants on Fire

Pants on Fire is one of Meg Cabot’s stand-alone titles and was published in Great Britain as Tommy Sullivan Is a Freak. While it does not quite achieve the near-perfection of Teen Idol, my all-time favorite stand-alone YA title by Cabot, it is still a compelling read with a remarkably imperfect heroine. At the beginning…