Ferryman by Claire McFall

Ferryman by Claire McFall

Ferryman is Twilight for Greek Mythology nerds.  There’s no shame in saying this.  For some readers it will be a great boon. The book is the first of a three-part Fantasy YA trilogy in which a teenage version of Charon falls for a human girl whose soul he’s supposed to reap.   Leaden and with a…

The Betrayed by Keira Cass

The Betrayed by Keira Cass

Kiera Cass’ work has never quite been as interesting as it was back in The Selection series, which was a fascinating combination of reality dating shows and old fairytales.  The Betrothed is a fresh series which tries to build a world all its own, but it is a mediocre and even sometimes trite exercise in…

Any Place But Here by Sarah Van Name

Any Place But Here by Sarah Van Name

Any Place But Here is a strongly written, quiet little novel about realistic characters experiencing realistic emotions and going through realistic turmoil. Author Sarah Van Name handles this all with elegant and beautifully done prose. June and her best friend Jess are inseparable. They’re even asked to leave Greenmont, their private North Carolina school, together…