Easy by Tammara Webber

Consensual sex is the theme of this thoughtful romance set in college. Freshman Jacqueline ignored her interests to follow her boyfriend Kennedy to the college of his choice. Then she signs up for an economics class because of him. Fortunately, this state of affairs doesn’t last as Jacqueline not only finds her own identity, but…

The Hunt

Books with lots of hype always frighten me. On the one hand, the build up for them is so high that it is easy for them to fall short simply due to ridiculous expectations. On the other, it is easy for them to fail because there was never much there to begin with. It is…

Torn by Amanda Hocking

In the world of YA novels there are two kinds of books: Those meant strictly for the YA audience and those that appeal to all ages. It’s hard to define what separates the two but I definitely know it when I see it. This novel falls into the YA audience only category.         Wendy…