Pawn by Aimee Carter

Have you ever ordered a fancy desert that looked rich, decadent and delicious, only to take the first bite and find it oddly tasteless? Pawn had such a great premise with a decent setup in its first chapters, only to fall flat as the story progressed. I was left feeling like I’d consumed a whole…


Why did I read Blythewood? Because my name is Blythe, of course. And judging from the fellow readers who added it on Goodreads, that makes…two of us. Perhaps Carol Goodman should have called it Ashleywood. Blythewood is kind of all over the place at first. No sooner has it started than the heroine, Ava, is…


When I saw this book in the store I was leery of picking it up. I didn’t want another series. Yes, they can be great, containing recurring characters that we fall a little bit farther in love with after every book. The epic story line that requires several books to tell in full can be…

A Missing Peace by Beth Fred

Arranged is a 2007 movie which focuses on the friendship between two first year teachers, one an Orthodox Jewish woman, the other Muslim. What I loved about this film is that it focused not on the politics of their situation or the religion of it, but on the fact that friendship can transcend cultures. I…


Writing a fictional account of an actual historical figure is a tricky business, especially when your heroine is the most famous queen ever to be beheaded – Anne Boleyn. While Katherine Longshore’s Tarnish does a decent job supposing the events of a gap in the real Anne Boleyn’s history, her inability to deviate too far…

Spies & Prejudice by Talia Vance

Girl detectives have always been a big thing in the reading world. From Nancy Drew to the more recent Flavia de Luce, we can’t seem to get enough of youthful sleuths. This novel channels Veronica Mars a bit, combining that character very gently with Austen’s Pride and Prejudice to deliver a fun, entertaining mystery. Strawberry…