Missing by Kelley Armstrong

Here in the Northern Midwest the weather is warming up, the sun has finally come out from the clouds it’s been hiding behind, flowers are blooming and it seems as though summer may actually be just around the corner. I had my doubts there for a while. And of course, thoughts of summer immediately turn…

Hunted by Megan Spooner

In Hunted, Megan Spooner, author of the Skylark and Starbound trilogies of books, attempts to restyle the popular tale of Beauty and the Beast as an action romp, with, unfortunately, little success. Set in ancient Russia, our heroine is Yeva, daughter of a rich merchant, who is at court as a lady in waiting to…

One Blood Ruby by Melissa Marr

One Blood Ruby is the follow-up to Melissa Marr’s Seven Black Diamonds, published in early 2016. This second installment picks up shortly after book one ended, and I definitely recommend starting at the beginning of the series in order to have a full understanding of the characters, the world they inhabit, and the relationships they…

Twisted Palace by Erin Watt

It’s hard to know where to start this review.  On the one hand, I enjoyed the series as a whole and could never have skipped Twisted Palace.  Unfortunately, this instalment – after all the double crosses, angst, murders and red herrings – was anticlimactic.  As usual, the story entertains and I raced through it to…