Hostage by Clare Mackintosh

Hostage by Clare Mackintosh

Clare Mackintosh’s I Let You Go is one of the books I recommended most frequently.  Clever, surprising, and moving, it satisfies on so many levels.  Unfortunately, it set the standard for every Mackintosh novel I’ve read since, and the author has never achieved the same magical alchemy of suspense/story/characters and gotcha! twist of her début….

Hostage by Clare Mackintosh

Hostage by Clare Mackintosh

Last fall, trapped at home and dreaming of flying far away—anywhere!—I picked up Hostage. I thoroughly enjoyed Mackintosh’s previous books, especially her first two, and was hopeful this too would be diverting. Two days later, having alienated everyone I encountered—I did not want to be disturbed about anything that wasn’t definitively urgent—I put down this…