Different Strokes

The world of Olympic athletes is so foreign to most of us that this little peek inside helps flesh out this interesting novella. When competitive swimmer Tomas’ regular masseuse is unavailable, her partner Darren fills in for her. The reclusive Tomas remembers talking to Darren at the sports medicine open house and the jealousy in…


Women’s lit meets gay romance in this tepid tale of two high school lovers, one who acknowledges his true nature and the other in the closet because of an overbearing father. Since this is ground many other gay romances have trampled, Roberts makes one character a drag performer who hides this side of himself from…

Bad Idea by Damon Suede

Bad Idea by Damon Suede

Suede probes the delicate line between childhood and adulthood in this romance using the incubus Scratch that Suede created for his paranormal novella Horn Gate. This time around, however, it’s Scratch’s comic book creator Trip Spector and makeup genius Silas Goodsby who reign in a spritely romance that cuts to the bone. Trip and Silas…

After the Fall by L.A. Witt

Until this novel, the Tucker Springs gay romances have been hard-hitting, gritty explorations of love between two very different guys who must work through some pretty heavy differences in order to find a workable middle. Covet Thy Neighbor saw an atheist tattoo artist and a devout minister fall in love while Dirty Laundry found a…


At one point in this book, one of the characters explains, “Salvage is everything we keep here—old things that can be used again by a different owner. Sometimes, finding out about where all these things came from, and about the people who might have first used them, is worth far more than treasure.” As far…


Richardson takes on an issue that isn’t often dealt with in gay fiction – the physical abuse of one man on his partner – even though it must be as prevalent in homosexual relationships as it is in heterosexual ones. How the abused man frees himself from the tyranny of another and breaks the chains…

Taking Chances

In Goode’s End of the Innocence, one of the minor characters is Foster, Texas, sporting goods store owner Tyler Parker, who at nearly thirty was once a football star but whose pro career was cut short when his knee was severely injured. Matt Wallace, the youngest of Foster’s Wallace brothers football triad, crushed on Tyler…


When he is nearly trapped in his house because of his overwhelming collection of reading material, from books to magazines and newspapers, librarian Jasper Richardson realizes he has a problem and needs professional help. He calls up psychologist Lewis Miller and his twin sister Carroll who own and run Wonderland Clutter Clearing, and so begins…


When Shawn races into Royce’s Portland wine shop on Christmas eve to grab a couple of bottles of wine for the family dinner, little does either one know that this bump on a snowy winter night will be the start of something big. At least it’s the start of a gentle gay romance with only…