The Last Wife by Karen Hamilton

The Last Wife by Karen Hamilton

I wasn’t crazy about Karen Hamilton’s dĂ©but novel, The Perfect Girlfriend. The main character was repugnant, and the plot twists felt overly dramatic, but there was something oddly compelling about Hamilton’s writing, something that made me decide to give her second book a try. This turned out to be a great decision, because The Last…

The Swap by Robyn Harding

The Swap by Robyn Harding

Robyn Harding’s fourth novel, The Swap, is a thoroughly delightful if slightly disturbing combination of some of my very favorite thriller tropes. It’s a revenge story centered around a toxic female friendship, and in her usual style, Harding has managed to create a book I hated to look away from for even a moment. There…

The Split by Sharon Bolton

The Split by Sharon Bolton

Mysteries can be tricky, especially if you read a lot of them. You’ll come across a book with a super appealing blurb, only to start reading something that feels overly familiar and trite. Certain tropes are overused, and it takes a really good author to be able to revitalise them. Fortunately, that’s what Sharon Bolton…