The Magician’s Lover

This is a road romance where the magician hero, the self-reliant heroine, and their jinni companion travel from Baghdad to England in 1138. Given the setting and the characters, it could have been a spicy and intriguing read. I admit I may be a bit jaded, but throwing in every conceivable plot device, including staples…

Pagan Desires

Pagan Desires is a romance that sets out bravely, but keeps bogging itself down at every turn. This is a pity, because this is a book featuring a Byzantine heroine and which is set entirely in the Middle East, something which you don’t run across everyday. However, much I like unorthodox settings, I don’t take…

Timeless by Shelly Thacker

Are you looking for a historical romance novel with an unusual and original plot? Shelly Thacker’s Timeless is the book for you. This is a most enjoyable and intriguing tale about 22 year old Avril de Varennes and her 300-year-old Viking warrior, Hauk Valbrand. That’s right, three hundred years old! (No, this is not a…

Enchanted Christmas

Have you been having trouble sleeping? Do you adore heroes who wallow in self-pity? If you answered yes to either of these questions, Enchanted Christmas could be the book for you. If, on the other hand, you prefer books that keep you awake, with characters who don’t spend four hundred pages feeling sorry for themselves,…

Pandora by Anne Rice

I’ve read every book, with the exception of one, that Anne Rice has written, including her S&M fantasies, and have thoroughly enjoyed most of them, even when they’ve “weirded me out”. At her best, the author creates entirely new worlds for readers to explore. At her worst, the author veers into self-indulgent pap. Luckily, she’s…