Songs of Love and Death

Truth be told, I mostly got my copy of Songs of Love and Death because it features a story by Linnea Sinclair, an auto-buy author for me. There are stories by a lot of other authors in it that I admire or have heard good things about, so that was an added inducement. All in…

A Wild Light

Somewhere, buried amidst the magical events and lyrical descriptions and world-building and death and destruction, A Wild Light has a good story and a compelling heroine. The trouble was, I had to dig waaaaaay too deep to even recognize that they exist. Maxine Kiss is a woman with a lot on her plate. She’s a…

Ravished by a Highlander

Ravished by a Highlander begins very auspiciously: It is set in 1685 Scotland, and appears to feature actual history in an historical romance. Glory be. Then I read about the heroine’s hourglass nose, and I cracked up. That killed it. Davina Montgomery’s true identity could topple a nation. She has lived her life in a…

Strange Brew

Strange Brew is an anthology of paranormal stories that center around witchcraft. Since I’m a big fan of lengthy, detailed stories, I didn’t have very high expectations when I realized that the average story in this compilation was 40 pages long. But this collection was surprisingly interesting and I’d recommend it for fans of paranormal…

Cracks in My Foundation

This recent collection of stories and essays by Marian Keyes epitomizes my favorite aspect of her writing: her ability to take any situation, from the most mundane to the most depressing, and point out even the smallest kernels of humor. She always manages to do it in an appealing way, so that the reader identifies…

Girl Boy Etc

Please forgive the choppiness of this review’s appearance – it appears as it does to take advantage of our database The Red Dress Ink imprint seems to be expanding its parameters. Instead of Chick Lit, Girl Boy Etc is Michael Weinreb’s collection of short stories told from a male perspective, and the first such Red…

Bonnie and Clyde: A Love Story

Bonnie and Clyde is a very frank and vivid account of the Depression Era’s most notorious couple. Its beautiful, magical prose clearly evokes the desperation felt the world over following the economy’s collapse, a time that saw “bankers leaping from the tenth story to go splat against pavements, once-proud men standing in lines for a…

Cerulean Sins

Well, there’s good news, great news, and unfortunatly some bad news to accompany Laurell K Hamilton’s latest release. The good news is that there’s a plot and it’s better than Narcissus in Chains. The great news is that there’s barely any Micah at all, which had me jumping for joy. But there’s some bad news…