First Comes Marriage: My Not-So-Typical American Love Story by Huda Al-Marashi

First Comes Marriage: My Not-So-Typical American Love Story by Huda Al-Marashi

Sweet, candid and poignant First Comes Marriage: My Not-So-Typical American Love Story is part biography, part love story, part cultural narrative and altogether delightful. This charming tale of love not-so-American style does a fabulous job of introducing readers to the idea that not all romances must follow the path pushed upon us by Hollywood. I…

Born To Rule by Julia Gelardi

Queen Victoria had nine children and 40 grandchildren. Of her granddaughters, five became queens. They all reigned during tumultuous times and all suffered their share of hardship and disappointment. Julia Gelardi tells the story of these five women in Born to Rule, a fascinating look at a lost era. The five queens were: Maud, Queen…

Medium Raw by Anthony Bourdain

In the ten years since Kitchen Confidential, doting (and non-smoking) dad Tony Bourdain has settled into the kind of fat cat celebrity raconteur he once took delight in ridiculing. It’s clear that he thinks he’s sold out (he cheerfully admits Rachael Ray bought him off with a fruit basket), but anyone reveling in his razor…