Untamed Love

While reading Untamed Heart by Judy Veisel, something unexpected happened. I was only a few chapters in when I began to feel a friendship forming between myself and Caro, the heroine. I liked her. I cared about her. She was strong, resilient, capable of killing if necessary, but at the same time had flaws and…

Captured Hearts

There are two reviews of this book. I’m not really sure why this anthology was published. All of these stories have appeared in anthologies before. If you have read A Regency Valentine, Dashing and Dangerous, or Rakes and Rogues, then you have already read one or more of these stories. That being said, three of…

Captured Hearts

There are two reviews of this book. Let the reader beware! All the stories in Captured Hearts have been printed in earlier anthologies. So if you are a reader of anthologies, you might want to check the fine print at the beginning. That said, the stories in Captured Hearts were all new to me and…

Outlaw by Susan Johnson

Susan Johnson achieves emotional involvement along with hot, hot sexuality in this historical. Although we associate this author with the latter quality in all of her books, we rarely use the term emotional when describing her work. In Outlaw, Johnson successfully portrays a deep emotional involvement between the hero and heroine without sacrificing any of…


Most of us remember our first love with some clarity. Certainly we’d recognize him if we saw him again – even if many years had gone by. Imagine my surprise then, when the heroine in Connie Mason’s newest release Pirate doesn’t recognize her own husband because he’s wearing an eye patch! Granted, he’s supposed to…

Sea Fire

As I read Sea Fire, I tried to figure out why it was reissued. It’s a continuation of the story which began in Karen Robard’s first novel, Island Flame. Like that book, Sea Fire shows its age. The hero is domineering, jealous, and much older than the heroine. And this book is full of what…

Sea Fire

Sea Fire is a re-issue of the Karen Robards historical novel that was first published in 1982. Did I really read things like this back then? Sea Fire is an old fashioned, pirates on the high seas, rape-fest complete with tall, dark and studly hero, golden-haired, feisty-as-all-get-out heroine and slimy, hissable villain. Is it any…