Cupid’s Kiss by Karen Harbaugh

Like Carla Kelly, Karen Harbaugh is pushing the bounds of the Regency sub-genre. But she’s doing it in a completely different way. While Kelly’s heroes and heroines are often common people, Harbaugh’s are about as uncommon as you can get. In Cupid’s Kiss, the final installment in Harbaugh’s Cupid trilogy, the hero is Eros –…

Swan Bride by Betina Lindsey

With a medieval setting and a paranormal twist, this book had a unique story line that held great promise. Unfortunately, that promise was completely squandered by a domineering hero and a lengthy separation between he and the heroine. As a result, any connection this reviewer felt between the two was superficial and physical – it…

Prince of Thieves

Prince of Thieves is not at all what I expected. Its cover boldly proclaims its membership in Love Spell’s Legendary Lovers line, in a manner that can politely be called “flashy.” Frankly, I was expecting white hot love scenes – and plenty of them. What I got was a subtle love story with a lot…

A Wish and a Dream

I’ll let romance writers in on a secret – I’m a sucker for a hero with a sad and lonely childhood. Dylan Stonehouse was raised by a stern grandfather who believed emotional displays were a sign of weakness. So how could I resist rooting for him? While it’s not without flaws, A Wish and a…

Once Upon a Time

“Once upon a time” are words that cue children and adults alike to snuggle into their chairs, suspend all disbelief, and open hearts and minds to the wonders of a great story. Lured by glowing cover blurbs and reviews (you’d think after more decades of reading than I care to admit I’d know better, wouldn’t…

Irish Magic II

Hooray for an anthology with four strong stories! If you are looking for a consistent anthology, one which delivers strong stories by each author participating, look no further. If, as I am, you are a sucker for things Irish, for magic and mystery and beauty in the mist, look no further. Irish Magic II delivers…

Sea Spell

I wanted very badly for Sea Spell to cast a spell over me because I love selkie stories, romance or otherwise. And while the story of this selkie and his lady love was sweet music to my ears, there were so many other instruments blaring that the resultant cacaphony was deafening. By the time all…