Jolene by Mercedes Lackey

Jolene by Mercedes Lackey

No, the title isn’t fooling you.  Jolene is indeed – at least in part – a fantasy retelling of Dolly Parton’s seminal country tale about a woman begging a mysterious, gorgeous woman not to take her man – though the tale also takes inspiration from the Russian folk tale Queen of the Copper Mountain.  In…

Chosen Ones by Veronica Roth

Chosen Ones by Veronica Roth

If you’re a fan of young adult dystopian novels, you’re probably very familiar with some of Veronica Roth’s work. Her latest offering, Chosen Ones, is pretty different from her previous books, most notably, because it’s aimed at an adult audience – although there’s nothing I’d consider inappropriate for younger readers. It also uses a trope…

Highfire by Eoin Colfer

Highfire by Eoin Colfer

Artemis Fowl creator Eoin Colfer turns his hand to adult fantasy in this amusing piece of work that’s a southern fried Howard the Duck, a shade Dragonheart, and all original. Vodka-loving, pop-culture immersed Vern – Formerly Wyvern, Lord Highfire of the Highfire Eyrie  – is a dragon who’s been hidden away from human eyes for…

Angel Mage by Garth Nix

Angel Mage by Garth Nix

The novels of Garth Nix have provided me with a successful blend of fantasy and romance in the past, so I was excited to try his new series set in an entirely new fantasy world. After unleashing an angelic plague that turned the entire population of Ystara into either ravening beastlings or piles of dead gray…